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Great News: Your Dog Can Help You Lose Weight

It seems like you find out something new about your dog every day, from a new personality trait to new way they like to play with you.  Well, take that one step further, with a study that has recently revealed that dogs can actually help you to lose weight.  With over 60 percent of adult Americans being overweight or obese, and an estimated 30 million cats and dogs in the U.S. being overweight or obese, that's 25 percent of the population that can benefit from reading the results of this amazing find. The People and Pets Exercising Together (P-PET) study by Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Hill's Pet Nutrition, has demonstrated that people and their pets can be more successful in staying with a weight loss program when they exercise together.  That's not much different than the common theory that people are more apt to lose weight or stick to an exercise program when they partner ...

Risk for Heartworm Greatest in Southeast U.S.


Pets can get heartworm no matter where they live in the United States. The parasite, which clogs the heart and looks like thin noodles on an x-ray, is transmitted by mosquitoes. That is why pet owners that reside in the southeast, especially those that live along the Mississippi River, need to provide their pets with heartworm preventive care throughout the year or face the risk of their pets contracting the parasite with potentially fatal consequences. Veterinarians are still debating if heartworm preventive care is needed year-round in other parts of the country but no matter where you live you do need to protect your pets to some degree. “Pets in areas where heartworm is endemic not only need preventive medicine, but they should also be tested annually to make sure they don't have the disease,” said Dr. Mark D. Kittleson, a veterinarian and professor in the Department of Medicine and Epidemiology ...

Cat Survives Week Alone in Camper Wreck

Charleston, SC - Remember the movie, Homeward Bound, where the two dogs and a cat were trying desperately go get home to their owners who thought they were lost forever?  Well it's a similar story with Spencer, an 11 year-old gray, determined cat, one of four furry friends of owner Ann Laubacker.  What started out as a simple journey from Florida to New York quickly turned into a disaster.  Laubacker was driving her camper home with her 88 year-old  mother, her dog (a Pomeranian), and her four cats when tragedy struck. On a stretch of Intersate 95 near Harleyville in South Carolina, Laubacker lost control of her camper home, causing it to topple onto its side, skid off the highway, and actually tear open.  The entire collection of Laubacker, mother, dog and three of the four cats turned out to be perfectly fine, with the exception of the now lost cat, Spencer.  Laubacker ...

Do Dogs Recognize Owners Faces? Study Reveals Truth

It has officially been proven that dogs do in fact recognize their owners faces, as well as facial expressions, revealed in a study led by Paolo Mongillo from the University of Padua in Italy.  Although this may not be a new idea to some, this is the first time an experiment has been conducted to prove the notion.  The team of scientists conducted the experiment to measure a few things; how much the dogs prefer to gaze at and follow their owner rather than a stranger, how dogs have difficulty recognizing their owners when their faces are covered, and how the age of dogs plays a part in the recognition. Dr. Mongillo explained that, although many researchers have studied how dogs interact with humans, no one had yet investigated how the animals focused on one person in preference to another – or just how much companion dogs "prefer" their owners, such was the reason for ...

The New Surge In Pet Massage

The fact that humans benefit from massage is well documented: increased circulation, improved digestion, strengthened immunity, stress relief and muscle relaxation to name a few. So do pets get the same medical benefits as their owners? Many Veterinarians feel the evidence is flimsy but this could be due to the fact that there is so little research having been done to draw any real conclusions. "People realize more and more that what's good for me, including massage, is probably good for my animal," said Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, an animal massage therapist and teacher in Wellington, Fla., whose book Canine Massage: A Complete Reference Manual is considered the standard text. Regardless of what some might think, workshops specializing in pet message at pet stores, animal hospitals, dog daycare centers and massage schools have increased substantially in recent years.  The American Animal Hospital Association in Lakewood, Colorado conducted survey of more than 1,200 pet owners ...

Vet Bills Forcing Owners To Give Up Pets In This Economy

Most pet owners know just how important it is to get your pet neutered but the cost can be staggering for some. When the cost of a check-up runs $550 or to have your pet neutered costs $400, it can cause some real financial pain. Let’s not even mention the $3,000 surgery your animal might need and though you feel obligated pay you know it’s really going to hurt what you have in the bank. For many ill pets it means a trip to the Society for the Cruelty to Animals, Humane Society or SPCA. "People are turning in animals because they can't afford their health care," said Patrick Carroll, executive director of the Delaware Humane Association. "It's just an extra burden when you're struggling to feed your kids and pay your mortgage or rent." There are some organizations that can help with the cost including the Humane Association by offering $25 ...

The White German Shepherd: Is it a Recognized Breed?

Have you ever heard of a White German Shepherd?  If you have, you are among a lesser population of people, as the majority are more familiar with its counterpart, the colored German Shepherd breed.  In fact, several countries do not even recognize the White German Shepherd a part of the German Shepherd breed, nor does the AKC.  The main reason for the AKC not considering the White version of the German Shepherd a true breed is simply because they wouldn't make good sheep herding dogs (due to their white color, they would blend in with the sheep), which is what the German Shepherd's were bred for. Apart from the obvious difference in color, the White German Shepherd's are basically the same as their counterparts; they have the same build, form, and personality.  They are generally just as loving, protective, and loyal as the others.  They possess an athletic build that makes them excellent sport ...

Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog Nearly Extinct

San Francisco, CA - For almost a decade there many types of amphibians including the mountain yellow-legged frog of Southern California have been protected under the endangered species act by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. “If the government is serious about its legal responsibility to save these rare frogs and salamanders in California, it needs to stop dragging its feet and get to work on developing a roadmap for their recovery,” said Collette Adkins Giese, the Center’s herpetofauna attorney. “Every day without a recovery plan is a day these species are left without the help they badly need.” Because of the dire need for a plan to rescue these frogs from becoming extinct the Center for Biological Diversity, a non-profit conservation organization, has filed a formal notice to the Interior Department, which oversees the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, of its intent to sue in order to force the agency ...

5 Most Common Health Illnesses in Cats and Dogs – And Prevention

So many pets are plagued by a variety of health issues that their owners could have prevented if they were more knowledgeable about what the most common illnesses are.  Owning a pet, whether it's a cat or dog, brings with it a responsibility to keep them safe, healthy, and happy, and with that comes a necessary relationship with a trusted veterinarian.  Visiting the pets vet more frequently is the first step to ensuring your cat or dog remains in the best possible health. A new study released by Portland-based Banfield Pet Hospital indicates what the most common illnesses are and that they can be prevented by more frequent visits to your veterinarian.  "We wanted to focus on the diseases that are very common in dogs and cats," says Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, Banfield’s chief medical officer.  "We wanted to focus on those, because anything we can do to prevent those diseases has a ...

Prevent Coyote Attacks On Your Pet


The recent increase in coyote sightings has prompted officials to warn pet owners to take extra precautions when allowing their small pets to roam freely outdoors.  There are many benefits to living in the outskirts of the suburbs, with the natural wildlife, greener views, and lush scenery, but with that style of living also comes the threat of the harm that naturally occurring wild animals can cause to your pets, especially cats, dogs, rabbits, and other small animals that spend time outdoors.  Coyotes are not necessarily known to attack household pets, but in the event they cannot find suitable food, your small furry friends could be their next line of survival. From a distance, coyotes appear to resemble dogs, particularly German Shepherds.  At a closer look, they can be recognized by a thick bushy tail, which is usually pointed down when it walks, a long pointy nose and pointy ears.  Coyotes range from 22 to 42 pounds, ...