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6 Upright Vacuums for Allergy Sufferers (That Won’t Break the Bank)

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Having asthma and allergies can make the task of vacuuming a really difficult one to complete. Yet, it is really important to vacuum the house, especially if you suffer from these conditions. Allergens in the home can be very triggering, so it is vital that these are removed via vacuuming. This is why the vacuums that are made and certified for those suffering from allergies and asthma are such life savers – quite literally. They allow you to keep vacuuming the house while also ensuring that the allergens stay trapped inside the vacuum cleaner. Here are six of the best upright vacuum cleaners for allergy sufferers (and pet owners) that won’t break the bank. 1. Sebo X5 Automatic Click here to view the Sebo X5 Automatic on Amazon This upright vacuum cleaner has hospital grade filtration, so you know you are getting something that is definitely going to keep the dust and dirt away. It ...

10 Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm Around Fireworks


Labor Day is the last hurrah of summer, and most people are going to have picnics and other celebrations with their families. Like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, many of them will be setting off firecrackers, sparklers, and big fireworks displays to brighten the festivities. While it is fun to see glorious fireworks fill the sky with mushrooms of brilliant color, the noise and commotion is often confusing and frightening for our four-footed friends. There are some ways to keep your dog safe and calm while you are celebrating the holiday. 1. Make a Plan Before the Festivities Many dog owners keep their pets outside. There are probably people who will be setting off small firecrackers and noisemakers, be aware of what is happening in your neighborhood. Bottle rockets often explode into other people’s yards and some thoughtless people may even throw something in your yard to get your dog’s ...

What You Should Know About Heartworm in Dogs and Cats


As a pet owner, you've probably heard of heartworm, though you may not be sure what exactly it is or how it can affect your dog or cat. The guide below is meant to give you a general overview of what heartworm is, what it can do to your beloved companion, how you can prevent it, and how you can treat it. What's Heartworm and How Do Animals Become Infected? Heartworm is transferred from one animal to another via mosquito bites. An animal that's infected will be the host to microfilaria, which are sucked up with the blood that a mosquito consumes when it bites the animal. The microfilaria will begin to develop inside the mosquito. Once these reach the third stage of their development, they move into the mosquito's salivary glands. When the bug bites your pet, the larvae are transferred into his body, where they continue to develop over the ...

Moving Pets Cross Country? Here Are Some Helpful Tips

moving pets

Moving your entire life across the country can be a fun, and scary, time in your life. It’s your chance to start fresh, plant new roots, and see a part of the country completely foreign to you. A move across the country is usually a good time to take inventory on your life, and cut ties with all the “stuff” that is nothing more than glorified trash. The less you have when you go from coast to coast, the easier the move is. Of course, among the “stuff” in your life, one thing that certainly isn’t trash are your pets. And while moving across the country is stressful and chaotic enough, doing so with a pet can be enough to drive you insane. As more and more horror stories pop up about what happens to pets that are kept as cargo on a plane, people are opting to take their dogs ...

How To Train Your Dog To Walk Obediently


If you never taught a person how to speak or write, they wouldn’t be able to do either - certainly not at a socially acceptable level, at least. The same can be said for obedient walking and your dog. We assume that dogs are hardwired to walk well with us, but unless we put in the time and energy early on in a dog’s life, we’ll be frustrated to discover that by nature dogs like to sniff, lunge, pull, and wander to the beat of their own drum. But we can do something about that. Here’s how to train an obedient walking companion. What to know before you begin your training 1. A tired dog is a much easier dog to train. This seems a bit like a riddle. Your goal is to train your dog to walk obediently, and walking is one of the best ways to tire your dog out. You ...

5 Tips for a Safe Horseback Riding Experience

horseback riding

Superman’s (Christopher Reeve) fall from grace - and a horse - helped bring to light the dangers of horseback riding, even for an experienced rider like Reeve. As majestic and peaceful as horseback riding is, there are also dangers involved when you’re that high off the ground, at the will of another living beast. In order to make your horseback riding experience as safe and fun as possible, follow these helpful tips. 1. Get off the horse if your instinct tells you to. Sometimes when we get bucked from a horse, there are no warning signs (often times it’s because the horse trips or takes off quicker than you expect). But many times there are plenty of warning flags to let you know it might be time to get off the horse before something goes horribly wrong. Often times the horse starts fidgeting, or making noises, or moving in a way ...

4 Reasons Why Your Pet Should Get an Annual Exam by a Vet

annual exam

Because your dog or cat can't communicate to you when he isn't feeling well, and because animals are sometimes able to mask symptoms of illness until a disease is advanced, an annual exam conducted by your veterinarian is an important part of maintaining the health and happiness of your pet. Below are four important reasons why you should have your pet examined annually. Catching a Disease in the Early Stages Through physical examination and tests, such as blood tests, your veterinarian will be able to target a disease in its early stages, when it is easier to treat. Many illnesses in both canines and felines will not result in obvious symptoms until they are advanced. Catching a disease earlier rather than later, though, can ensure your pet will get appropriate treatments to get him well again or at least keep the disease from progressing and making your pet sicker. Plus, an annual exam ...

5 Tips for Gaining Rent Approval with a Pet


There are a lot of tiny things we fail to think about when we’re considering whether to get a pet (fur and hair all over the place, early morning wakeup calls). But one thing any responsible would-be owner cannot overlook is the potential that they may have a hard time finding a place to live if they have a pet (particularly a dog). Specifically if  you are trying to rent. Not all landlords and buildings allow pets, or if they do they have specific restrictions (the ban of breeds, not allowing dogs over a certain weight/size, only allowing one pet). Before you get a pet, keep in mind that if you are a renter, you may be adding a level of difficulty into your life with your current and all future living situations. But, if you’re persistent about the idea of having a pet, here are 5 tips for gaining rent ...

How to Help Wildlife Orphans This Spring


Spring is the season during which wild animals have plenty of babies. But if you come across an orphaned baby animal, is it okay to pick it up or should you leave it alone? By knowing what steps you should take with orphans of various species, you can help your local wildlife thrive. Below are just a few tips to get you started, but another great way to help wildlife is by volunteering with an organization that rescues and rehabilitates them. Birds Many people find baby birds that appear abandoned, and they may worry that the bird isn't safe. But the truth is that human intervention may do more harm than good in the case of a baby bird who's hopping around unable to fly. If a bird is covered in feathers and has a short tail, it's considered a fledgling. You'll note that it's able to hop along the ground but it ...

3 Ways to Reduce Pet Allergies

pet allergies

Are you tired of having to explain that the reason you don’t have a dog or a cat is because of a nasty pet allergy? The truth is, just because you suffer from certain pet allergies doesn’t mean you can’t have a pet of your own. But how is this possible? Here are three ways to reduce pet allergens. Before you can reduce pet allergens, you need to know which allergens don’t play nice with you. It’s important to go see a doctor to determine which allergies you have, since it may not be your pet at all (we can’t help but remember Jan Brady’s nasty allergy to the Brady Bunch dog … only to later discover it was the dog’s flea powder). If you can/have discovered that your pets are the cause of your discomfort, it’s important to realize why and how this happens. Allergens (which is just a fancy term for ...