Vet Bills Forcing Owners To Give Up Pets In This Economy


Most pet owners know just how important it is to get your pet neutered but the cost can be staggering for some. When the cost of a check-up runs $550 or to have your pet neutered costs $400, it can cause some real financial pain. Let’s not even mention the $3,000 surgery your animal might need and though you feel obligated pay you know it’s really going to hurt what you have in the bank.

For many ill pets it means a trip to the Society for the Cruelty to Animals, Humane Society or SPCA. “People are turning in animals because they can’t afford their health care,” said Patrick Carroll, executive director of the Delaware Humane Association. “It’s just an extra burden when you’re struggling to feed your kids and pay your mortgage or rent.”

There are some organizations that can help with the cost including the Humane Association by offering $25 to $125 for spaying or neutering and low cost vaccinations. Other organizations will help subsidize the cost for needy owners.

Pet owners are advised to open a pet savings account to help pay for those future expenses. You may also want to look into pet insurance as an option depending on the expense and the benefit gained. Shopping around for medicines where mark-ups vary widely according to Consume Reports.

Preventive care is probably the area we have the most control over and can lead to lower pet costs and better animal health. Over feeding is perhaps the biggest culprit when it comes to health problems for our pets. Keeping the calories in line based on the ideal weight for our pets is really important.

So next time the Vet gives you the news about the expense to treat your pet make sure they know what you can pay and seek out other opinions. The cost of treatments can vary widely from Vet to Vet and there may be alternative treatments which can cost a lot less.