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Two Golden Retrievers Survive 175-Foot Fall

Eagle Creek, OR - Curiosity got the better of two Golden Retrievers, causing them to take a tumble down a 175-foot slope towards the rushing water of the Clackamas River.  Apparently, the retrievers, Doug and George, ten and eight years old respectively, were quite interested in what their owner, John Grady, was doing by the fence, which traces the edge of a bluff high above the Clackamas River, northwest of Estacada.  Grady was actually fixing a hole in the fence that was damaged in one of the more recent storms that passed through the area. When Grady has his back turned, the two curious dogs slipped through the hole in the fence, and managed to slip from an unstable edge of the bluff.  Luckily for both the dogs and Grady, a kind neighbor saw the event taking place and rushed to the bottom of the slope in the hopes of rescuing the ...

Flame Retardant Furniture Toxic To Pets

There is a growing concern that toxins from flame retardant chemicals are not only dangerous to humans but even more dangerous to pet dogs.  “The problem is that these toxic chemicals don't stay put in these products: they migrate into house dust and on to clothing, our skin, and pets” Said Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco). According to a study published in the journal of Environmental Science and Technology by scientists at the Indiana University, toxic flame retardant chemicals have been found in the blood stream of pet dogs to be five to ten times higher than in humans. The study found that flame retardant compounds used to treat polyurethane foam to withstand at least 12 seconds of open flame called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are widely found in furniture and electronics equipment and can migrate out into our environment affecting our children and pets welfare. "Our young children whose bodies are ...

Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Whether you are the proud owner of a German Shepherd, Chihuahua, Puggle, or any other breed of dog, you know that they are naturally labeled as smart, trainable, and loyal companions.  But do you know what the smartest of those breeds are?  If you have a dog that has not made it to this top ten list, not to worry.  Having a less intelligent dog breed could actually be a blessing in disguise - a highly intelligent breed will more than likely find something to entertain itself in your absence, from chewing the furniture to pulling the roll of toilet paper off of the roll.  A less intelligent pup will probably not realize you are even gone, let alone find something to do!  Here is the list of the top 10 dog breeds, compiled by veterinarians. #10. Australian Cattle Dog The Australian Cattle Dog is a medium-sized, short-coated dog that was originally bred for herding cattle.  They are also a very active ...

Pit Bulls Get A Bad Rap

What we all think of when we hear the words Pit Bull, which includes the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and other dogs that resemble them is either really loving pets or the nastiest dogs on the planet.  "The range of emotions they evoke is wide and varied," acknowledges Stephanie Collingsworth, animal care technician at Multnomah County Animal Services. "People always know something about the pit bull, whether it's correct or not," says Katie Williams, a culinary student who recently started a pit bull advocacy group called the Portland Pit Bull Project. To help combat the stereotypical perception that all Pit Bulls are “evil child killers”, Williams organized monthly “bully walks” for the dogs and their owners. “The dogs are loving, loyal and sweet”, she says. Dog trainer Alysse Kinane, owner of two pit mixes and foster mom to two more, says “the dogs are goofy and ...

Charity Pet Parade Complete With Yappy Hour – It’s a Dog’s Day

Have you ever wanted to show off your dog but felt it may cause people to stare and point - in a not so good way?  Is there something so special about your pup that deserves to be seen, and maybe even win a prize for?  Well, all of the proud and happy dog owners in the Lehigh Valley are jumping up and down with excitement for the Charity Pet Parade, being held at the Promenade Shops at Saucon Valley on Saturday, April 30th, starting at 11:00am. This yearly event is expected to be even better than last year, with top prizes being awarded for the best dressed dog, the most creative costume, and a pet/owner look alike contest!  Prizes will consist of a QNB prize pack, as well as other Promenade prizes.  Owners and their dogs can register in front of Paws to Tail at 11:00am, with a special goodie ...

Google Versus The Vet

Sandpoint, Idaho - Many pet owners today turn to the Internet for “expert” advice on what ails their pet and how to cure the problem without going to the veterinarian and incurring the cost of the visit. While this thrifty approach appeals too many people, it may not be in your pet’s best interest especially if you put off getting the proper treatment and that leads to some very serious problems. "There's great risk of unnecessary pain, expense or worse," says veterinarian Marty Becker, who practices in Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint, Idaho, and has written several books, including the just-released Your Dog: The Owner's Manual. Becker calls it the "vets vs. Net" phenomenon. “This ask-a-fellow-pet-owner-online approach has become so common, he says, it's become the new normal. Too many people use it as a primary source when they have a sick pet, and they put things off until it's too late," Becker ...

Therapy Dogs Teach Children Life Essentials

The common saying, 'no body's perfect', has become a lesson learned and appreciated by the many children who have had not only the pleasure, but the honor of being taught that it's whats on the inside that counts, not looks or how you dress.  Susan Burney's two dogs, Fawn and Will, have only six legs between the two of them, but that never stopped them from achieving more than some teachers in today's school systems. Fawn and Will are TOUCH therapy dogs (Therapy of Unique Canine Helpers) and have been specially trained to provide loving attention, therapy, and life lessons to patients in hospitals as well as school children in a classroom setting.  "Kids can see real easily that (Will) is interesting and he’s fun and they want to be around him," Burney said.  "In the same way, they can appreciate friends they might meet who have disabilities, and it’s what’s inside that counts." Will ...

Dog Flatulence – Sometimes He Does Deserve The Blame


Inglewood, CA – One of those embarrassing conditions to both man and beast is “flatulence” or gas. When released at an inopportune time it can really upset the moment and is a good indicator of your pet’s health. All types of dog breeds can suffer from this condition too and that in turn affects us all. The medical word for gas is flatus and the condition of passing gas is called flatulence. “A lot of my clients and friends prefer the classic word, ‘fart,’” Said Dr. Richard Palmguist, Chief of Integrative Health Services at Centinela Animal Hospital, in Inglewood California. “A famous comedian once said, ‘Farts are funny,’ which is true unless the noxious invisible smog is wiping out your dinner party or messing up your romantic interlude, then we need to do something to change the condition.” Dr. Palmguist went on to say “When your pet eats they swallow air, which ...

Top 10 Veterinarian Schools in America


Every four years, the top veterinary schools are ranked by U.S. News and World Report and provides a comprehensive list for aspiring veterinarians across America to make the best possible decision about where to further their animal care education.  The rankings are based on peer assessment surveys the publications send to college deans, administrators and faculty members at each of the nation’s 28 veterinary colleges accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). 1. Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Located in Ithaca, NY, Cornell scored a 4.5 out of 5 possible points in the ranking, and remains at the top of the list for the second report in a row.  "I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each member of our community for the hard work that this recognition symbolizes," says Dr. Michael I. Kotlikoff, dean of the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.  "There are many outstanding veterinary ...

Mandy Moore Crusades For Pet Health


New York, NY – Mandy Moore takes center stage by signing the PetArmor Pledge to fight for better pet health on Wednesday, April 20th 2011. Moore know for her recent successful film “Tangle”  has turned her focus towards to animal rights and welfare issues that concern all pet owners. Moore will be among the first to take the pledge and has encouraged everyone to do the same. This year’s event is designed to raise awareness for better pet healthcare for all pets. The Pet Pledge is sponsored by PetArmor, which will donate $1 (up to $100,000) to ASPCA for each individual that signs up on Facebook and takes the PetArmor pledge.  PetArmor is the first EPA- approved generic flea and tick treatment for both dogs and cats. The ASPCA also has a Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty Yes – I support the ASPCA in its steadfast commitment to end animal cruelty. I will do all that is ...