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Dreaming Has Beneficial Effects on Pets

Benefits of Dreaming for Dogs and Cats

Have you ever seen your dog or cat twitch and even bark or meow in their sleep?  These are telltale signs that they are dreaming and we have scientific research that indicates that dreaming does have beneficial effects on pets. According to a study conducted by Matthew A. Wilson, a professor in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, mice exhibited matching brain wave patterns during daily maze running and sleeping.  The matching patterns indicated that the mice were in fact re-living the experiences of the day, or dreaming!  "Based on this approach, we have determined that animals do re-experience the day's events during sleep in a way that includes visual imagery (what they saw) and action sequences (what they did)", said Dr. Wilson.  "That would satisfy most people's definition of dreaming." The brain wave patterns were actually so clear and specific that the researchers were able to tell where in the ...

4 Surviving Dogs of the Alabama and Indiana Tornadoes

Dog Survived Alabama Tornado

Amidst the destruction and wreckage caused by the recent tornadoes in the Midwest, a few heartwarming stories have found their way to the surface.  What can only be considered a miracle, a few beloved dogs were found alive and were reunited with their owners.  What started as sheer tragedy ended in tears of joy for some pet owners. The tornadoes in Alabama and Indiana left a devastating toll on many lives, claiming homes, buildings, and causing massive destruction in all that was in their paths -- leveled homes and flipped over buses to demolished gas stations and people's material belongings strewn across neighborhoods.  No one would have assumed that any pet could have survived such turmoil; until a bark was heard. It was 21 hours after the tornado had ripped through Henryville, Indiana that Ben, a black chow mix, barked to call out to rescue workers that he was alive and looking ...

Who Gets the Pet During a Divorce

Pet Custody

Instead of fighting over the china received as a wedding present or a favorite piece of furniture, more and more couples going through a divorce are battling it out over who gets custody of the family pet, whether it be dogs, cats, or even birds.  According to the results of a 2006 survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, more divorce lawyers are handling pet custody cases than ever before.  Could it be simply because the divorce rate is higher or are there other factors that determine the reason for the increase? The pet custody fights are more common in same-sex marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships the attorneys said.  One of the reasons for the rise of pet custody disputes could be because years ago, fighting over a pet would have been something shied away from.  In today's day and age, more and more people give a voice to ...

12 Ways to Reduce Pet Allergens Indoors

Reduce Pet Allergens

Pet dander is the main cause of pet allergy symptoms and affects between 10% - 15% of the population.  When animal lovers are affected by allergies, it can be devastating.  While most people who are allergic to their pets will ultimately remove them from the home, there are still people that choose to keep the culprit, finding alternative ways to live with their symptoms.  In fact, according to the Humane Society, an estimated 1/3 of people who are allergic to cats (about 2 million people) live with at least one cat in their household anyway. Pet dander is a combination of dead skin cells and hair that animals shed.  This dander is the main cause of pet allergy symptoms.  Pet allergies can be caused by the proteins in their hair, saliva, and urine and when any of these come in contact with your skin, they can cause an allergic reaction.  Symptoms ...

DogVacay.com Launches Superior Alternative to Kennels with a Community of Loving and Trusted Dog Boarders

Dog Vacay

Los Angeles, CA – Press Release: Dog Vacay (http://www.dogvacay.com/), the online marketplace that matches dog owners in need of pet-care services with amazing qualified animal caregivers, launches today in Los Angeles and San Francisco.  With Dog Vacay’s new service to find dogs local homes to stay when their owners are away, dog owners who travel are no longer forced to choose between a caged kennel or burdening a friend with the responsibility of pet-sitting. Whether looking for a cozy 1-bedroom for a Chihuahua or a 10-acre ranch for a Greyhound, Dog Vacay is the ideal solution for dog lovers searching for the right service at the right price.  Dog Vacay’s comprehensive community of pre-qualified pet care providers on a user-friendly platform revolutionizes what was a typically cumbersome experience for dog owners. Founded by a husband and wife team, Aaron Hirschhorn and Karine Nissim Hirschhorn, Dog Vacay was inspired by the desire to ...

10 iPad Apps Just For Cats

Cat Playing app on iPad

Looking for a really unique way to spoil your cat? If you have an iPad, you're halfway there. There are many apps made just for your feline friends, designed to capture their attention, stimulate their senses, and provide lasting amusement. Just take a look at this video that, as of the writing of this post, has 1,547,612 views to see how a cat appreciates a game meant just for him. iPad Apps Made Just For Cats Catch the Mouse Cat Game - For $.99 on iTunes, you can get this very simple little cat entertainment game with "real mousie sounds". See how many times your cat can catch the mouse as a counter keep's track of your cat's scores Cat Piano Jr - This app is free and makes meow sounds when the keys are pressed. Paint for Cats- For $1.99 on iTunes, you can watch your cat chase ...

Suspected Dog Fighting Ring Busted, 12 Dogs Rescued

Kensington, PA - Sunday was a happy day in the lives of 9 puppies and 3 adult dogs when they were rescued from unsanitary conditions in what is suspected was a dog breeding and fighting ring in Kensington, Pa.  This was the second time the same row home on the 3300 block of H Street, owned by Rasheed Holland, was raided by police for harboring and mistreating dogs; the first time, two years ago, 18 dogs were rescued. With search warrant in hand, animal cruelty officers arrived at Holland's home to find two of the twelve dogs tied up in the back yard, living in filth.  The remaining dogs were found in the basement in what can only be described as unsanitary and cruel living conditions.  The dogs were found in need of veterinary attention as well as much needed TLC and were immediately tended to. Pennsylvania SPCA spokeswoman Wendy Marano said ...

Unique Toys for Dogs; Not Just Your Plain Old Tennis Ball

Unique Toys for Dogs

Playing with your dog is just as rewarding for you as it is for them, but tossing around the same old tennis ball will get old real fast.  Although it may be your dogs favorite toy, both indoors and out, there are a few new toys that are as fun as they are unique. Whether your dog prefers soft or hard toys, with squeaker or without, you'll want to at least give a few of these a try.  Break out of the boring and temp your furry friend with something he's never played with before (that's half the fun - watching them try to figure out something new)! The Twiz The first new toy we think is just awesome is the Twiz.  The Twiz puts a whole new spin on playing fetch with a design made to have the toy soaring through the air.  The Twiz is an all in one new dog ...

Taking the Needs of Pets to a Higher Level

Taking the Needs of Pets to a Higher Level

Pets are considered to be a man’s best friend.  They can sense your emotions based on the tone of your voice and they will brighten your evening after a hard day at work; they can make you feel so wanted and happy.  Although the majority of pet owners will do just about anything for their furry family members, not everyone goes the extra mile. Thankfully, there are few people and organizations that have gone the extra mile and we wanted to take the time to recognize a few of them.  Some of them rescue dogs, others provide the best types of pet food, and even a few decide to adopt them and nurture them. Here's more about some that are taking the needs of pets to a higher level: 1. Karen Wagner Karen Wagner is from San Diego, CA and is truly a best friend to dogs.  She is known for rescuing Jack Russell ...

2 Easy Homemade Cat Treat Recipes Using Catnip

Homemade Cat Treats Using Catnip

Making homemade cat treats is a great way to ensure you know exactly how nutritious they are, since store bought treats can contain all sorts of ingredients you've never even heard of.  Cats bring such joy to their owners lives that it is only natural that you would want to spoil them.  What's one of the things that cats absolutely love?  Catnip!! Here are two recipes using catnip that are easy to make that will have you spoiling your furry friend in no time. This first homemade cat treat recipe takes less than 30 minutes to prepare and makes about 24 treats.  Catnip can be purchased at most pet stores and the remainder of the ingredients can be bought at your local grocery store (unless you already have the items in your pantry which is highly possible since they are so common)! Moist Catnip Morsels Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dried catnip 1/2 pound ground turkey 1 teaspoon brewer's ...