Helping Lost Pets (HeLP) is not just a website, but a community that helps bring more pets back home. It’s FREE to join and use, and is map based so you can visually see where a pet was lost or found. When a pet is listed on the site, email alerts are automatically directed to members in the area. Their mission is to provide the public, shelters, rescues, and every other pet related business a common, free service to locate missing pets, find adoptable pets, and to find pet related services. Why is this important? There are so many different websites, lists and chat groups where the public lists a lost or found pet. The chances of matching one of these listing are actually diminished because these groups are all ‘separate’. The missing pet listing slips lower on the radar by the hour. The ground breaking database at HeLP is map based ...
Dogs Now Have Their Own TV Channel: DOGTV
Yes, you read the title of this article correctly; dogs now have their own channel on television called DOGTV. While some may be thinking that sounds like a waste of time and money, the channel was in fact scientifically developed to help stimulate, entertain, relax and habituate dogs. Is this really possible you ask? According to Nicholas Dodman, a professor of Clinical Sciences at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and program director of the Animal Behavior Department, it is. Dodman, assisted by a team of pet experts, trainers, and broadcast media professionals, all came together to create a channel just for dogs that will run 24/7; DOGTV. The programing was scientifically developed to provide the right company for dogs when left alone. Through years of research with some of the world’s top pet experts, special content was created to meet specific attributes of a dog’s sense of vision ...
Most Popular Pet Friendly Bed and Breakfasts in the U.S.
Vacations just aren't the same when you have to leave your pets at home. The constant worry that comes with leaving them in the care of a kennel, a neighbor, or even a family member is enough to bring a damper to what is supposed to be a relaxing, fun getaway. There are a variety of bed and breakfasts across the United States that are pet friendly, inviting your furry family member to enjoy your vacation with you and have you leaving just your worries at home. While it would be impossible to list each and every pet friendly destination, this article will focus on the most popular, as rated by vacationing pet owners everywhere. 1. The Galloway House is located in historic Savannah, GA and allows you to keep two well-behaved dogs of any size per apartment except for dogs 9 months or younger, Pit Bulls, Alaskan Malamutes, Rottweilers, Akitas, Chow ...
National Cat Show Features 25 Different Breeds
One hundred and fifty cats making up about 25 different breeds will be competing in the Canadian Cat Association National Show which is taking place February 25-26 at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. In addition to the competition the cats will take part in, the show is also the perfect place to purchase or adopt a cat from breeds such as long-haired Himalayan to the hairless Sphynx. "Cat shows are fun because if you're a cat person that's where you're going to see the nicest cats, new breeds and so forth," said Louise Laliberté, president of the Canadian Cat Association. Cat owners have entered their cats into one of four categories; Premiership, Championship, Kitten, and Household. The Top 3 Best of Best will be awarded in all categories on both days of the event. In addition to the competition and the chance to bring home a new member of the family, there will also ...
2 Easy Homemade Dog Treat Recipes Using Peanut Butter
Making homemade treats for your dog is a great way to keep out the bad stuff and make sure you know exactly what goes into what you are spoiling them with. Here are a few great recipes for you to make, using healthy and common ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. You may not have bone shaped cookie cutters, but those are inexpensive and can be purchased at a variety of stores! Peanut butter is a common ingredient in homemade dog treats and thankfully is inexpensive and goes a long way. It is a favorite of dogs everywhere so you'll be hard pressed to find a dog that won't like these recipes. This first recipe includes the use of molasses instead of sugar so it can be used as an everyday way to spoil your furry friend (limit the amount of treats you give depending on the size of ...
23 Reasons You Should Always Carry a Camera ~ Funny Pet Pictures
Pets bring such fun to our lives and it's even better when we manage to capture some of their best moments on camera! These pictures are from an email that was sent to one of the authors of this site and are just too funny not to share. It's a proven fact that people with dogs and cats lead happier, healthier lives; it's no wonder why when they do things like this... We hope you enjoyed these funny pictures of dogs and cats as much as we did!
Pet Deaths Result of Incorrect Use of Flea and Tick Products
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an increasing number of pets are winding up dead or sick because of their owners incorrectly using flea and tick products on them. These deaths are now leading the EPA to impose stricter regulations to the labeling of the products, making it easier for pet owners to use them properly. The labels need to more clearly indicate which products are meant for dogs and which are for cats. According to a report by the EPA, "death occurred in 560 pets in 2007 and 640 in 2008 related to the use of flea and tick products. Major illnesses occurred in 610 pets in 2007 and 740 in 2008 and minor illnesses occurred in 5,100 pets in 2007 and and 27,000 in 2008." The increase in the pets being affected by product misuse is astounding and has prompted the need for better labeling. The majority of problems ...
Dogs and Cats Recieving Psychiatric Drugs ~ The Debate
The number of pets that are receiving psychiatric drugs for things such as hyper activity and depression are rising significantly over previous years. Just last year alone, Americans spent nearly $7 billion dollars on pills for their pets, which is an increase of 35 percent in just four years, according to David Lummis, a senior pet market analyst for Packaged Facts. In fact, Pfizer Drug Company has established a companion animal division which brought in nearly a billion dollars last year. Not everyone agrees that drugs like Prozac and Zoloft are the best way to treat human conditions found in dogs or cats. The debate over whether or not this is the best way for pet owners to spend their hard earned money has opinions coming in from across the country. Who's For It? One of the advocates of prescribing psychiatric medication to pets is Dr. Nicholas Dodman, founder of the Animal Behavior ...
Best and Safest Ways For Pets To Travel
There are two main factors that are prompting people with pets to take them on vacation: the high costs of boarding them at kennels and the increasing number of hotels that are pet-friendly. Both of these reasons have resulted in an increasing number of vacationers bringing along dogs and cats. However, it is not all that easy as there are various precautions that must be followed to ensure that your pet is protected in terms of health and safety. Here are a few tips that can help you plan your pet-friendly vacations so they are safe and fun! 1. Never buy pop-up pet carriers Many travelers buy pop up pet carrier's that are available for cheaper prices. What they don't understand is that despite the two popular features of being lightweight and fold easily, they can actually be a safety hazard for all kinds of animals. These affordable pop-up carriers are very ...
Popularity of Pet Oxygen Masks is Growing
In the event of a fire or other dangerous breathing environment, humans have always looked to oxygen masks to aid in providing the necessary air to survive the event. Did you know that pets can benefit from oxygen masks as well? Veterinarians have been using pet oxygen masks for years in their offices and emergency clinics when pets arrive that are in need of oxygen, but the practice was seldom heard of outside of those controlled environments - until more recently. Experts say it is becoming more popular and widespread to hear about firefighters, animal rescue teams, first responders, and paramedics saving the lives of dogs and cats with the use of oxygen masks. Take the story of the 2-year-old Siamese cat, Hanna. Hanna was the almost-victim of a fire that broke out in a home in Florida. She was found in the bedroom and was thought dead because of her ...