cleft palate

Meet Lentil and Learn How to Help Dogs with Cleft Palates

Meet Lentil, more often called Lenny, the French Bulldog puppy that has reached into the hearts of dog lovers across the internet. He’s only...
pet insurance

Considerations and Tips on Pet Insurance

From the first time we lay eyes on them as kittens, puppies, or whatever size and shape they came in, our pets tug at...
skin problems

How to Manage Skin Problems in Cats

Skin problems are one of the perks of cat ownership. Whether your kitty adventures into the great outdoors or not, there’s a good chance...
kosher animals

Israeli Company Sued Over Cruelty to Kosher Animals

This is when kosher is anything but. Israeli-based Adom Adom (very red) is a top quality brand of beef, that is supplied its beef from,...
pit bulls

Should Pit Bulls be Sterilized to End the Breed?

The Riverside County Department of Animal Services (in California) has put forth a proposal to require all full and mix-breed pit bulls to be...

Should You Shave Your Cat, and How?

There are a number of reasons why people consider shaving their cats. The selfless reasons include: Because it’s hot outside, and you feel badly for...
declawing your cat

Truths and Myths of Declawing Your Cat

Pulling fingernails off with a pair of tweezers is something we imagine happens in some torture chamber during wartime, in order for someone to...
camping with dogs

Five Tips for Camping with Dogs

Camping season is here. Whether you’re an extreme adventurer hiking the Appalachian Trail or a city escapist relaxing at a campground, camping with a...

Does Your Pet Really Need Flea/Tick Medicine All Year Long?

During the summer my scarves, coats and boots are put away in storage, since they do me no good when the thermometer hits 90....
cat spay

Alley Cat Rescue Hosts Free Feral Cat Spay Day

Mt. Rainier, MD— On April 27, 2012, Alley Cat Rescue (ACR) will be hosting its Fourth Annual Free Feral Cat Spay Day to encourage...