
The Problem with Feeding Birds an All-Seed Diet

Although seeds are a convenient and affordable option when it comes to feeding your pet bird, they actually aren't the best in terms of...
pet allergies

3 Ways to Reduce Pet Allergies

Are you tired of having to explain that the reason you don’t have a dog or a cat is because of a nasty pet...
pet apps

Top 5 Pet Apps

  Find a lost dog. Teach a dog to stop barking when you are at work. Ease your mind when you bring your pet on...
toxic foods for dogs

Six Toxic Foods For Dogs

As a pet owner, you wouldn’t intentionally feed poisonous food to your dog. Almost every dog owner could tell you to keep the Halloween...
cat allergies

For Those Who Have Cat Allergies, Is Relief Coming?

For the eight to ten percent of the population that have cat allergies, relief may be on the way. The second phase of clinical...

Should You Shave Your Cat, and How?

There are a number of reasons why people consider shaving their cats. The selfless reasons include: Because it’s hot outside, and you feel badly for...
pet insurance

What is Pet Insurance & Do I Need It?

A lot of people scoff at the idea of pet insurance. They equate it to pet spa treatments, pet massages, and pet pampering. But...
dog poop

Four Ways to Dispose of Dog Poop

The last thing we think about when we get a new dog is about dog poop. We think about the shots, the leash, the...
homemade pet food

Homemade Pet Food Causes Weight Loss and Savings

Pet food manufacturers are recalling pet food at an alarming rate. Pet owners worry over the possibility of feeding pets’ contaminated and unsafe food....
lyme disease

How Can I Tell If My Dog Has Lyme Disease?

While there are many diseases humans can get that dogs can’t get (and vice versa), Lyme disease is not one of them. Ticks pose...