
How Should You Care for Your Budgie?

Budgies are actually small parrots, which most people mistake as parakeets. These birds are talking pets as they can be tamed and taught how...
teacup dogs

The Serious Facts Behind Teacup Puppies

Puppies are cute. There is no denying it and small ones are even cuter. There is something about their delicate little bodies, fitting into...

3 Tricks to Help Give Your Dog a Pill

Dogs are like children in so many ways (let’s hope fleas isn’t one example of their similarities). They can’t be left alone for too...
vet bills

How to Avoid Rising Vet Bills

  It is no secret that we are a nation of animal lovers. There are few homes without the loving addition of a dog or...

What You Should Know About Heartworm in Dogs and Cats

As a pet owner, you've probably heard of heartworm, though you may not be sure what exactly it is or how it can affect...
mike tyson

Mike Tyson’s Ex Girlfriend Cooked and Ate His Pigeon

Mike Tyson has eaten ear before (at the expense of Evander Holyfield) but at least he’s never eat pigeon. His ex-girlfriend, on the other...

6 Common People Foods That Can Kill Your Dog

While many human foods are not only safe for dogs to eat but can also be quite healthy for them, there are many things...
dog sleeping in bed

5 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Not Sleep With You

I’ll preface this by saying I’m guilty as charged – or at least I was guilty of letting my dog sleep with me. I’m...

Two Headed Animals: Do They Exist?

  While two heads may sound better than one, that isn’t always the case in nature. Although two-headed animals are rare, they do occur. The...

The Problem with Feeding Birds an All-Seed Diet

Although seeds are a convenient and affordable option when it comes to feeding your pet bird, they actually aren't the best in terms of...