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Best Cats for People with Allergies

Pet lovers across America are generally known to be happier people, but what if you are among the percentage of people who are afflicted with allergies, making it difficult to have a pet of your own?  If you long to bring a cat into your family, you are in luck, as research suggests there are a few types of felines that are better suited to people with allergies. One possible option is a Siberian Cat, in which breeders have noted are less likely to trigger allergies, due to the findings of relatively low levels of the protein in the cats saliva that causes the symptoms.  Jen Van Horn Jeffers, New Hampshire resident, has suffered the classic allergy symptoms for years.  Picking up most cats left her with a combination of hives, shortness of breath, itchy, watery eyes, and a scratchy throat.  But surrounded by about 20 Siberian cats at a breeder's home, her symptoms were absent.  "I couldn't ...

Your Dog Should Avoid These 5 Harmful Plants

Dogs are among the most curious of creatures, especially when they are outside.  From sniffing, digging, and licking, to taste-testing anything that seems appealing to them, there are a variety of things to watch out for in order to maintain your dog's health, and to avoid accidental poisoning.  Plants and other types of flora can be particularly dangerous to dogs, of which 5 will be discussed here. 1.  Lilies Although Lilies are a beautiful flower, the sheer amount of them are what makes them so dangerous to dogs.  Because they can be found in so many places, it can be common to see them while just walking your dog down the street.  If ingested, lilies can cause damage to a dogs kidneys, and even in the smallest amounts can cause vomiting, as well as cardiovascular effects including nausea, slowed heartbeat, and arrhythmia. 2.  Azaleas Don’t be fooled by this plants bright and attractive color.  In nature the most colourful ...

A Dog Who Saved Owners Life is Nominated for National Hero Award

Portland, OR - An elderly dog from Oregon has been nominated for the National Dogs of Valor Award because of her role in saving her owners life.  Ceili (pronounced Kaylee), a 15-year-old Lab mix, showed her true devotion to owner, Danny Fincher, when she attempted to make it clear that there was a problem.  Ceili followed Fincher around all day, sniffing his breath, and "annoying" him, until finally the problem was very apparent - Danny Fincher was getting ready to suffer a heart attack. Ceili immediately began barking for help, alerting Danny's wife, Gayle Jewell, who was in another room watching television.  In a daze after the attack, Fincher, 62, tried to crawl up the stairs, but the dog tugged him down and then ran to Gayle.  Barking furiously, Ceili ran between the two until Jewell realized that her husband was ill.  Gayle then took Fincher to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, where he was treated within 20 minutes of his attack, thanks in part ...

I am a Cat and I Will Sleep Wherever I Want To

Cat lovers across America all have stories and pictures of their furry friends doing the weirdest, funniest things, the things that endear them to us.  This collection of photos is sure to brighten your mood, as you can't help but laugh!  Cats are among the lucky ones who can catch a snooze whenever they want, where ever they want, falling asleep in the strangest positions and places.  Take a look at these all to spoiled felines taking a break! This cat found his way to probably the dirtiest part in the room...the flower pot!  I wonder where he tracked the dirt when he woke up... This napping beauty must have just gotten back from a very long, tiring walk.  He couldn't even make it through the door!  Unless it's just a very nice day outside... This one is truly a classic!  How can that possibly be comfortable? If you have to sleep outside, it's ...

Best Birds For Families With Children

When a family decides to introduce a new pet into the household, many decisions must be made when choosing that pet.  For families who have decided that birds are the way to go, there are a few species that are better suited to being around children. The first on the list is the Parakeet, or sometimes known as a Budgie.  These birds are the ideal companion for a child, as they tolerate being handled quite well, are small and relatively easy to care for, and their most well know feature, they can learn to talk!  Parakeet's have gentle personalities, and can bond quite strongly, and quickly, with their owners.  At around 8 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tail, Parakeet's are among the smaller species of birds.  The average Parakeet lives between 5 and 9 years, although some have lived well into their teens.  They are playful birds that ...

Three Heroes Give Sight to Blind Labrador Puppies

Cincinnati - Two Labrador Retriever puppies who were born blind have been given a whole new outlook on life thanks to three dedicated volunteers who provided the eye surgery that restored their sight.  Both puppies are now starting to be able to follow people and toys with their eyes, a feat unthinkable just a few short weeks ago.  Lilly and Murphy were born three months ago with opaque cataracts that left them functionally blind, as well as dropped of at a Northern Kentucky animal shelter, unwanted. Sycamore Township veterinarian, Sheri Kyle, heard about the blind pups, and agreed to take them in at Kyle's New Hope Animal Rescue, an animal shelter that she runs.  Although Kyle was not able to perform the sight restoring surgery herself, she reached out in the hopes of finding someone who could, who turned out to be Michael Snyder, a cataract specialist with Cincinnati Eye Institute in Blue Ash. Coincidentally, ...

Who Says Pets Can’t Talk?

If you don't think that cats and dogs can talk, the proof is here!  What a better way to spend a few minutes than to check out these hilarious talking pet videos. We clearly have no idea how much our pets actually love us, but Mishka here says it perfectly! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXo3NFqkaRM It's always better to have a friend to talk to, especially one that understands so well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3U0udLH974 This compilation of hysterical talking pets aired on America's Funniest Home Videos...and for good reason! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skE2dq3cm0A

Golden Retriever’s Life Will be Spared, Thanks to Supporters

Freetown, MA - It's a happy day for one golden retriever in Freetown, as well as the thousands of supporters who came to his defense when the news broke that he was scheduled to be euthanized.  It was announced last week that Skippy's life will be spared and could be released as early as Friday into the custody of the Center for Animal Rescue & Education South Coast in New Bedford, Ma.  Currently, Skippy is being kept at the Lakeville Animal Shelter, where he's been for the last two months. Jonathan Stone Rankin, of The Animal Law Offices, and Freetown lawyers have come to a verbal agreement and only need to sign off on the documents allowing Skippy to start the next adventure of his life.  Skippy's life was turned upside down in January, when "selectmen voted to euthanize him after he twice, within two months, allegedly attacked owner Thomas Locke’s 1-year-old granddaughter in their home," said Ruth ...

The Six Retriever Breeds Recognized by the AKC

The American Kennel Club has the distinguished honor of determining which dogs breeds are officially recognized, naming six in the retriever category.  To the common pet owner, each of the six breeds of retrievers may look similar, but rest assured there are distinct differences that set them apart, like color, body type, weight, and body style.  The most widely known in this category is the Labrador Retriever, and according to the AKC, is the most popular among pet owners in America. The Labrador Retriever breed consists of three varieties, distinguished by their colors.  They are the Black Labrador, Yellow Labrador, and the Chocolate Labrador Retriever.  The Yellow Labrador is the most distinguishable of the three due to the dogs natural wheat color, which can vary from very light to deeper shades of yellow, and are sometimes referred to as "golden" in color.  The Chocolate and Black Labs are similar in color, with the ...

Stopping The H3N8 Dog Flu

If your dog is exhibiting signs of what humans would call the flu, chances are that's exactly what he has.  Dogs get the flu, just like humans, and is referred to as the H3N8 Dog Flu.  The virus produces similar symptoms that human experience, such as cough, sneezing, runny nose, and fever.  Just as pet owners are encouraged to get their annual flu shot, dogs should be vaccinated as well. The only vaccine for the "dog flu" was developed in 2009 by Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health Corporation, and is intended to aid in the control of disease associated with the canine influenza virus (CIV).  Dr. Cynda Crawford, clinical assistant professor in the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville, answered questions pertaining to the vaccine. "Although the vaccine may not prevent infection, efficacy trials have shown that the vaccination significantly reduces the severity and duration of clinical illness, including the incidence and severity ...