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Deaf Pit Bull Learns Basic Sign Language to Communicate

It was no small feat for Norton, a two year-old deaf Pitt Bull Terrier, to learn some sign language in order to communicate with new owners, Morgan Shumard and fiance Tim Self, and their two dogs.  A rescue group that saved Norton from euthanasia after he was left with a veterinarian taught him some basic sign language that his new family built on using treats and repetition.  Just six months after Norton went home with his new family, he has become the hit of the neighborhood! Shumard and Self were searching to find another Pitt Bull to bring into their family, since the passing of their previous Pitt Bull had left a void.  They fell in love with Norton immediately, but were unsure if they had what it would take to care for a deaf dog.  They soon found they didn't have to worry about that, as Norton was picking up quickly ...

Global Pet Expo 2011 Featured Over 3000 Pet Products


Over 800 pet product makers proudly displayed over 3000 amazing things for pets, from exercise machines to finger paint kits at the Global Pet Expo last week.  Yes, you read that correctly, your artist aspiring furry friend can now create his or her own works of art.  With a venue that covered more than a span of 11 football fields, this year's expo was even larger than the last, and continues to provide pet lovers everywhere with new ways to not only pamper their pets, but to connect with them on a deeper level. "Walking the floors of the Global Pet Expo is like Googling the world of people who love and provide for the health, well-being and enrichment of animals and the people who love them," said Dr. Marty Becker, America's Veterinarian and Contributor to ABC's Good Morning America.  "As a veteran veterinarian and media personality that focuses on animals, ...

Make Your Environment Safe for Pets, the “Green” Way


Having a pet is one of the great pleasures of life, and living with them can be done in an eco-friendly way.  We probably don't think of the "greenness" of the pet products we buy like their toys, the food packaging, and many sprays and collars.  They could include harmful ingredients, or could be bad for the environment just like common household items are. Here are some tips to help you care for your pets the green way: 1. When buying pet food, consider packaging.  Look for recyclable containers and forgo single-serving packages for bulk or large bags/cans. 2. Consider buying organic pet food and treats. 3. Choose Eco-friendly bowls and dishes for your pet's food ... glass, ceramic, stainless steel, etc. 4. Have your pet spayed/neutered. How is this "green"?  Consider what happens if a single cat has multiple liters of kittens.  Typically they become too difficult for the owner to deal with ... ...

Lucky Enough to Catch Your Pet Doing Something Funny?

Some have pet mice, turtles, rabbits, or cats, others have dogs, ferrets, birds, or lizards.  No matter what kind of pet you've chosen, you probably have a mixture of pictures and videos that have captured memorable times.  Were you ever lucky enough to catch your pet doing something totally hilarious, or just downright crazy on film?  Well the owners of these pets were, and they deserve to be seen by pet lovers everywhere! This collection of photos will have you laughing out loud, so you might not want to scroll down if you are in public! Even if this was how my dinner was delivered to me in a restaurant I would have laughed! I promise I'll be good...can I come out of the bag now? Has anyone seen a purple flower? I'm not a very common pet, but I do look cute in this sweater! I figure if I sleep on your phone and near your ...

Pet Tortoise; Arsonist or Escape Artist?

Who would ever expect to hear that a pet tortoise is to blame for a fast sweeping fire that injured a firefighter and three police officers in Brooklyn?  That's exactly what Giovani, a six year-old pet tortoise, is under suspicion of.  Tortoise's are known to be among the slowest of animals, so how could this possibly be true?  While he was home alone, Giovani attempted an escape from his plastic terrarium, tipping it over and sending the heat lamp crashing to the floor.  The lamp broke and ignited paint thinner and paint; the residents art supplies that were nearby Giovani's tank. Giovani is about the size of a soccer ball, and is an African spurred tortoise, who obviously had some tricks up his shell!  Fire officials said it took sixty of them a half an hour to put out the fast-moving blaze that tore through the third story apartment, which was being rented by an ...

List of Foods to Avoid Giving Your Pet

While the thanks pets give us when we share our food with them warms the heart, certain foods can actually be harmful, even causing death.  The ASPCA has put together a list of the foods you should avoid giving your pets, as well as the symptoms to look for if accidentally ingested.  Always contact your veterinarian if you suspect your pet may have eaten something on the list of foods to avoid. The first on the list and most dangerous thing your pet could ingest is chocolate, or any other source of caffeine, including coffee and soda.  In the event of a spill, make sure to quickly clean it or keep pets away from the area.  These three products have methylxanthines and when ingested can cause diarrhea, panting, vomiting, excessive thirst and urination, abnormal heart rhythm, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death. Second on the list is alcohol.  Alcohol, as well as any products containing ...

The Unquestionable Loyalty Of A Dog

The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan that has taken countless lives is causing pets and other animals to remain homeless and orphaned across the nation.  The news headlines have only given the world a glimpse of what the victims are experiencing, as well as how the pets are dealing with the tragedy.  This tear-inducing video, courtesy of the website Jezebel, depicts how one dog extends his loyalty further than the age old adage; dogs are man's best friend.  While dogs are known to be loyal to their owners, this dog managed to save the life of his dog companion by alerting rescuers that their assistance was needed.  The video is shown in Japanese, however the English translation is provided in this article. CNN and the UK Telegraph have both reported that the dogs have been rescued since the footage aired, and are both receiving veterinary care; the more seriously wounded dog is at a clinic in the city ...

Pet Insurance Explained

The last few years have seen many changes in the pet insurance industry, from its cost to its popularity among veterinarians and pet owners.  What was once viewed as a luxury expense is now more affordable, allowing pets to receive better levels of care, while the availability of pet insurance plans are less limited.  Certain policy restrictions were actually prohibitive in many cases, causing pet owners to hesitate when considering if it was for them. Most pet owners consider their furry friends a part of the family, and will do just about anything to protect them.  In fact, Americans spent an astounding $45 billion on their pets in 2009, which was up $2 billion from 2008, according to the American Pet Products Association.  Even in a bad economy, people will make room in their budget to spoil their loyal companion.  Over the last few years, pet insurance has become increasingly more affordable, allowing more and more pets to be able to have necessary surgeries, receive ...

Which Rabbit Should I Choose as my Next Pet?

Rabbits are the third most popular pet behind dogs and cats, but so often this category is overlooked when choosing a new family pet for your home.  Rabbits have a long life span, so be prepared to care for this pet through the long term.  They are also unique animals who form tight bonds with their families, and are relatively low maintenance pets.  Take a look at the pictures as a first step to choosing what kind of rabbit your family may want. American Blue Rabbit The American Blue is a nice size rabbit with a very gentle temperament which also make great show animals.  It is a large breed so once adulthood is reached, they will be between 9 - 12 lbs, so larger cages will be required.  There is usually a waiting list of some sort, as this is a rarer breed of rabbit. Netherland Dwarf Rabbit The main feature of Netherland Dwarf rabbits is their small ...

Japan’s Displaced Pets have Future to Look Forward

The tragic earthquake and tsunami that recently devastated parts of Japan has left countless people, families, as well as pets, completely homeless.  Japan happens to be an animal loving country, so it's no surprise that animal welfare groups have teamed up to provide help to the estimated thousands of dogs, cats, and other animals that were injured or are now without their owners.  In addition to the the rallying of animal welfare groups, relief organizations worldwide are responding to the catastrophic event to provide the animals with temporary housing and medical attention. The organization known as ARK, Animal Refuge Kansai, has already made preparations to assist with the animals.  Elizabeth Oliver who chairs the group said, "Here at ARK we are preparing for what might be a huge influx of animals.  We already have some facilities in place and a team of experienced staff able to deal with traumatised animals.  We may have to build ...