
Yoga With Your Dog – Flip Your Dog with a New Twist

With Yoga popularity and dog ownership on the rise, it’s no surprise that the two should meet someday and form a lasting (if not...
puppy mill

San Diego Bans Sale of Puppy Mill Pets

San Diego is the 32nd city to ban the retail sale of puppy mill pets. The new pet store ban will restrict retail stores...
dangerous dogs

Dangerous Dogs by the Decade

People often remember decades by the music and wardrobes. The 70s were disco and bellbottoms. The 80s were hair-band and leather. The 90s were...
food trucks

Food Trucks for Dogs: A New Trend

Food trucks have become extremely popular in the last decade. Now, a new trend is on the rise – the food truck for dogs!...

Should You Shave Your Cat, and How?

There are a number of reasons why people consider shaving their cats. The selfless reasons include: Because it’s hot outside, and you feel badly for...
vet bills

How to Avoid Rising Vet Bills

  It is no secret that we are a nation of animal lovers. There are few homes without the loving addition of a dog or...
dog walker

America’s First Pro Dog Walker Dies

Anyone who’s been to NYC will notice that, despite it seeming like anything but a dog’s paradise, many dogs walk along city streets, and...
designer dogs

Are Designer Dogs Healthy?

In recent years there has been a proliferation in mixed breeds dogs being sold as designer dogs. They are a cross between two purebred...
dog poop

Making The Most of Dog Poop – Heat and Energy!

What’s your first reaction when you see (or even smell) dog poop. Maybe it’s “aw, crap.” Maybe you turn your head, and walk away....

Meet Kabang: A Shepherd Mix and Hero from the Philippines

  Kabang is a shepherd mix whose name means “different colours” in the local dialect of her home in Zamboanga, in the southern part of...