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Humans Can Expose Cats to the H1N1 Virus

Schaumburg, IL - A pet cat in Wisconsin has reportedly caught the H1N1 flu virus, commonly known as "swine flu", from its owner, the first case reported in over a year, as announced by Idexx Laboratories on Wednesday.  When humans have the flu, we are told to stay home, rest, get better, and definitely don't expose anyone else to contagious germs.  But did you ever think that staying home with your pets could be putting them at risk to contract the flu as well? As the Wisconsin family tended to their own symptoms of the flu, it became apparent that their two cats, a 6 year-old domestic short-hair male, and a 10 year-old female domestic short-hair, started exhibiting signs of respiratory distress.  Although the family took both cats to a veterinary hospital, the male cat quickly became worse.  Despite being put on a ventilator,  he had to be euthanized.  In order to determine the cause of the illness, fluid ...

Cat Killer Petition Gets 15,000 Signatures


Frankfort, KY - Russell Swigart is not your ordinary killer. In 2008 rather than kill Bridget Wright, a co-worker he had been threatening, he chose to break in to her condo while she was away to torture and kill her two pet cats. While Kentucky has been notorious for poor enforcement of pet-protection laws, Swigart was prosecuted for the executions of Wright's cats under Romeo's Law and sentenced to 12 years in prison, 10 years for Breaking & Entering and 2 years for two counts of torture of a dog or cat. He is up for parole this week. Bridget was not about to let him leave prison without serving out his time for his horrific crimes. She launched a petition at Change.org to collect the signatures of supporters who wanted to see Swigart serve the remainder of his time. In her letter Wright cites multiple incidents where Swigart killed other pets to ...

Best of Breed Honors Goes to Beagle from PA


NEW YORK - The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show celebrates its 135th year of bringing together dogs, owners, and New York for a competition that will have the place barking with excitement on February 14, 15.  With the first day of the dog show well underway, one proud and lucky pup from Upper Milford was already awarded the distinguished honor of Best of Breeds, for the third straight year!  Her name is Lola, and she's a beautiful 15-inch Beagle.  Three year old Lola will move on to the next step tonight, the group competition. With her tail wagging as she pranced across the show ring, Lola was at the top of her game, exhibiting more exuberance than any of her competitors.  For Lola's owner, Marcelo Chagas, it was an emotional win.  "She loves to hit the ring and show," which she did for thousands of spectators.  Part of what keeps Lola ready to enter the ring is ...

Philadelphia-Area Dog Parks Green-Light Off Leash Program

Lower Merion Township, PA - Pet owners on the Main Line outside of Philadelphia received some welcome news today when off-leash pilot programs in two parks received a green light to continue the program. Good behavior by pet owners and their pets, as well as compliance with permit requirements has demonstrated the program can be a success. In addition, feedback from participants and staff has resulted in changes to make the permit process easier and expand the hours which are designated for off-leash activities. Rolling Hill Park in Gladwyne and West Mill Creek Park in Penn Valley were the two parks that implemented the program in 2009, with the program expanding to Narberth Borough residents in 2010. The township built a fenced-in area for pets to roam off-leash, while some trails were designated for off-leash times as well. While the revenue from the permits was more than sufficient to cover the expenses of ...

Rabbits Love Getting Massages; Humans Benefit as Well

Boardman, OH - No animal is more suited to a massage than pet rabbits, the third most popular house pet behind dogs and cats.  Not only do they love them, rabbits who receive regular massages are reported to be calmer and less stressed than pet rabbits that don't.  In honor of February being Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month, the Petco Store on Boardman Poland Road invited volunteers to teach rabbit owners how to give massages. Volunteers from F5RS, along with director of the small-animal rescue sanctuary, Sassy Pickard, set up shop to give demonstrations of rabbit massage techniques, as well as perform wellness exams on rabbits brought in by people who own them as pets.  F5RS stands for Frisky Ferrets, Fuzzies and Feathered Friends Rescue & Sanctuary.  As its name indicates, it also accepts ferrets and parrots.  "Believe it or not," says Pickard, "bunnies love to have their feet massaged and they also like having their ears gently pulled during the ...

New Home For Handicapped Pets


Frederick, MD – It wasn’t long after Joyce Darrell and husband Michael Dickerson adopted Duke, a 6-month-old white shepherd mix, from the local shelter that Duke broke his back and became paralyzed while playing. It was then that the couple realized that Duke would not be able to walk on four legs again. Rather than taking the Veterinarian’s advice and have Duke euthanized, the couple decided to seek other options. Darrell was so inspired by Duke that she began a rescue called Pets with Disabilities for disabled pets that don’t often get another chance. Darrell began by locating shelters that would take the disabled pets while looking for people to adopt them. Darrell said she wanted to change attitudes about disabled pets, not just for owners, who she said should make a commitment when they get a pet despite the pet's health issues, but also of veterinarians, who might think a ...

Florida Cracking Down On Illegal Raw Game For Pets


Melbourne, FL – Feeding your pets’ raw wild game, like what they would hunt in the wild, is the new trendy pet diet. But the cost of obtaining or selling these illegal tidbits of wildlife online could result in a jail time and fines. Anyone caught selling raw meat without a permit to do so can face felony charges that could result in five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. Those caught purchasing the illegally obtained meat could face up to six months in jail and a $500 fine. As more and more people are turning to Craigslist and Ebay asking to buy rabbits, squirrels, ducks and many other wild game animals to feed their cats or dogs the demand goes up. Investigators in the Fish and Wildlife Internet Crimes Unit have seen more people looking to obtain the raw animals, although no Floridian has gone to jail yet for ...

Outrage Over New Hampshire Quaker Parrot Ban

Northfield, NH – A law that has been on the books since 1998 and never been enforced is now at the heart of a major conflict between bird clubs, parakeet lovers and the State’s Fish and Game Department. Suzanne Burke of Nashua, recently learned of the obscure law that prohibits anyone in the state from transporting, selling, owning or breeding Quaker parrots, also know as Monk parrots. When Burke learned of the law, she contacted the Fish and Game department to have the matter clarified. Burke has been breeding Quaker parrots and selling them for years. Officials at the Fish and Game Department have given Burke 30 days to get rid of the 20 parrots she owns. "I wasn't trying to hide anything," Burke said, adding that she had hoped Fish and Game would grant her reprieve on the 30 day requirement. "But they are pretty adamant that the birds have to ...

Stolen Puppies Found Safe Near Sea World

Lakeland, FL - It was quite an adventure this week for three puppies who were stolen from their home, a Petland store in the Lakeland Square Mall.  The kidnapped 8-week-old Chihuahua, Pug, and 10-week-old Bassett Hound were dropped off in Orlando, after thieves became scared.  The pups were taken in by three sisters with loving arms who found them in their neighborhood near Sea World. The robbery happened quickly, starting with security guards noticing a green truck parked outside one of the mall entrances with its doors open and engine running.  "Next thing you know, the two suspects run out of the mall with the puppies in their arms," said Todd Bailey, a Lakeland Police Department detective.  Over the next 48 hours, police talked with witnesses, one of which was able to get the truck's license plate number.  Thankfully, this break in the case led police to the first of the two puppy snatchers, Samuel Alves. The store's general manager, Karl Rich, ...

This Winter Giving Pets Cabin Fever


Montclair, NJ – During the long winter months that are known to be dark and cold, especially in the North Eastern United States, cabin fever can be common in humans. However, pet owners also can see a change in the behavior of their pets. Unlike humans where we can find a number of distractions to help us cope, animals have to just wait out the long winter until they can freely run outdoors again. Unfortunately, being patient is not something all animals share and this can to cause some unusually moody behavior. “My cats are driving me crazy,” confessed Laura, a Bloomfield pet owner.  “They’re usually great pals but lately they’ve been bickering. They’ll just go over and smack each other for no reason!” Her dog Luccia, an energetic Viszla, is even more stir-crazy than the cats. “She’s been getting into everything—including staging stealth attacks on the pantry,” she huffs. Pets that ...