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Whole New Life for Nearly Mailed Puppy


Minneapolis, MN - It's a whole new life for the puppy who recently made national headlines for almost being airmailed by its owner.  Guess became a "warden of the state" and was finally rewarded with a new family last Friday.  The traumatic experience finds the puppy with a new name, new home, and the start of a better life.   Due to the outpouring of people interested in rescuing the fuzzy black 5-month old Schnauzer-Poodle mix, Minneapolis Animal Care and Control held a drawing to decide the lucky new owner. Minneapolis resident, Terri Ford, was the lucky winner!   After her name was drawn and she passed a pre-adoption screening application, Guess became a member of her family.  An exuberant Terri said, "I never win anything," while she threw her arms up in the air in excitement after learning she had won the drawing.  She goes on to say, "I think it might be good to get out of my pajamas and out of the house!"  He tugs at ...

Killer Cane Toads Rounded Up To Protect Pets

New South Wales, Australia – While some areas of the country are not as greatly affected by the poisonous cane toad, Yamba in New South Wales is overwhelmed. That is why the NSW National parks and Wildlife Service has teamed up with the Land and Property Management Authority, Clarence Valley CIA and Angourie Dune Care Group to run the 13th annual Yamba Cane Toad Muster held on Sunday evening, February 20, 2011. This year’s haul netted over 1500 cane toads that have poison glands on their shoulders which can kill a dog or cat that manages to pick-up one of these critters in their mouth. Cane toad poison in pets is very dangerous and causes rapid heartbeat, convulsions and death in minutes.   National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Ranger Steve Hodgson said the round-up was to reduce the potential of cane toads spreading to areas further south. “The cane toad collections ...

February 22 Is Spay Day 2011


Lake Tahoe, CA - The Humane Society of the Unites States and Humane Society International along with many state and local shelters, organizations and pet groups have teamed-up for the 17th annual Spay Day USA 2011 to be held on February 22nd of this year. Estimates from the Humane Society indicate that over four million cats and dogs are euthanized each year or about one every two seconds during an average 40 hour work week. It is important that cats and dogs get spayed to prevent unintentional litters. It is also a well know fact that cats and dogs live longer, healthier lives.  With a shortage of homes willing to adopt animals it is very important that those animals that are given to local shelters not be shut out for adoption because of overpopulation of unwanted litters. This problem is not going away anytime soon especially with the challenges many families face ...

New Method Makes Pet Food Safer Than Ever


Lincoln, NE - With demands for safer pet food on the rise, Universal Cold Storage has introduced a new effective process for making it safer - applying 87,000 pounds of pressure to it. Research conducted at the High Pressure Processing Laboratory at Virginia Tech University, found that applying extreme pressure to food products was an effective means of pasteurizing them f0r safe consumption. "We find that it has been really very useful and it has such great potential in terms of pasteurizing without heat processing," said Laura Douglas, a research associate and lab manager. The high pressure disrupts bacteria such as E. coli, listeria and salmonella on a cellular level, leaving the food pathogen-free. Since it is a natural process the government does not require labeling to state that is pasteurized, which appeals to natural and organic pet food makers. Companies like Universal have begun adding High Pressure Processing to their food processing ...

Cat Responsible for Sale of Manhattan Apartment

Manhattan, NY - Surprising but true, the recent sale of a seventh floor loft style apartment in Manhattan can be directly attributed to the family cat, a beige male, that was present and accounted for during each of the times the buyers visited the apartment.  The couple, Mr. Lightman and Ms. Batalion, were delighted at the prospect of buying the loft after the first showing. "We have a cat ourselves, a graceful adolescent tabby that was a rescue animal,” said Ms. Batalion, a writer and performer. "But unlike our Shpilkes, who is anxious and standoffish, this one was incredibly friendly.  When we came to visit the apartment, he’d invite us in and practically show us around."  Mr. Lightman added, "we were so flattered by the cat’s attention.  He was so warm and social.  He’d climb on anyone, even our real estate broker and us.  He made the apartment feel lived in, homey." Contrary to what ...

Couple Hires A Pet Detective For Missing Cat


Burnaby, B.C. – A Burnaby couple, Robin and Lisa Hoare, were so upset about losing Luna, their one-year-old gray female tabby cat, they decided to pay Harry Oaks a Pet Detective $1,000 to find her. "We got our two cats, Luna and Bear, around the time we got engaged in January 2010," said Hoare Wednesday. "We figure they were born, we always say, on the day I proposed to my wife. They're sister and brother and were found in a Dumpster." On February 4th the two cats accidentally got out from the couple’s home and only Bear returned. The Hoare’s searched the neighborhood, put-up posters and checked with local shelters in an effort to find Luna. Unfortunately, the couple was unsuccessful. Hoare explained that "For the first week, Bear was not eating much at all, just wandering around the house crying a lot. He'll sniff around the spot where Luna used ...

Home Owner Risks Life to Save Dog in Fire

Bay County, FL - The daring and devoted home owner who made it out of his burning house safely, quickly realized he was missing someone...his dog.  Racing back into the flames shooting from his burning home, he rescued his dog, while putting his own life at great risk.  Piles of burned rubbish and broken glass are all that remain of this house fire that broke out late last night on East Avenue in Bay County.  Although it has not been confirmed, it appears the cause of the fire was a cooking accident. Although extremely heroic, Assistant Chief of the Panama City Fire Department, Wayne Watts, strongly advises against acts of this nature by the home owners or bystanders.  "What happens is, we end up with two victims, rather than one.  The conditions change so rapidly, that what appears to be a relatively quick, safe grab, can very quickly turn into a death trap," said Watts.  Studies on disaster evacuation show ...

New Law Requires Pet Liability Insurance


Jackson Co., MI - A new amendment passed by a Jackson County, Michigan Board Of Commissioners creates an additional requirement to their animal control ordinance; that pet owners must obtain $100,000 of pet liability coverage if their pet is deemed by a judge to be vicious or potentially dangerous. Of great concern to outraged pet owners is that the process for determining whether a pet is vicious or a threat is somewhat murky. The board gave no indication of the criteria that would be used to evaluate pets who may fit that profile, other than if they were involved in an attack. However, given that the amendment was introduced to prevent attacks, it is likely that there will be judgments made on some animals before they have injured someone. In addition to these concerns, many residents have pointed out that there may not exist insurers who will write liability coverage for pet ...

Veterinarians Say Dog Treat Per Day Goes A Long Way

Hummelstown, PA - Dog owners are often plagued by the common issue of their furry friends bad breath, which could indicate a more serious problem.  Surprisingly, oral disease is the most commonly diagnosed health problem in pets, with 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats developing symptoms by age two.  Research indicates that dental health is just as important for dogs as it is for people, but the reality is that most pets dental health is left uncared for. In order to raise awareness of this growing problem and to help teach pet owners proper preventive care, February has been declared Pet Dental Health Month.  Dr. Colin Harvey, Professor of Surgery and Dentistry in the Department of Clinical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) said, "Oral health is increasingly recognized as a critical part of general health.  Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is very common in dogs, is ...

Deployed Pet Owners Saved By Guardian Angels


Las Vegas, NV – When soldiers get deployed overseas, what happens to their pets? Many give their pets to shelters or other organizations and never know whether they become adopted or euthanized. In response to this growing problem an organization that was created to assist deployed military personnel find temporary homes for their pets called the Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet, which was founded in 2005 and based in Texas. The Guardian Angles for Soldier’s Pet program helps soldiers like Brian and Kristle Aleman who were being deployed in January and knew they had to do something with their black Labrador, Pepper, and their Yorkshire terrier, Rambo. The couple found temporary homes for their two dogs through the Guardian Angels program.  Without the program, they probably would not have gotten anyone to take Pepper, a large breed, on such short notice, said Specialist, Kristle Aleman, 20. “We honestly had no other place ...