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Cat Survives 20 Story Fall Without Harm

Manhattan, NY - Nothing short of a miracle, a 16 year old cat has escaped certain death without breaking any bones or serious harm after falling from a window 20 stories above ground.  It is thought that the cat may have been interested in a bird sitting on the ledge, just outside the window that owner, Barry Myers, left a few inches open.  Thankfully, the cat, which goes by the name Gloucester, was found quickly after the fall and taken to the vet, where it was clear he was going to be just fine. What began as a happy holiday weekend for owner Barry Myers, his wife, and five year old child, ended with what could have been a tragedy.  To celebrate the 4th of July, Myers and his family left their apartment in search of fun in the sun in Cape Cod, leaving Gloucester at home.  Myers made arrangements with his neighbor ...

Pamper Your Dog In Style

If dogs could talk, one of the things they would surely say is, "I would love to be pampered and go to the spa, just like you do"!  Just as humans benefit from the relaxation a day at the spa and a little pampering will bring you, dogs can benefit too.  It may not be obvious, but dogs undergo certain stresses that could be tamed with a little help from luxury grooming products and unique attention!  There are also a variety of ailments that plague dogs that can be helped with items from this natural product line like skin allergies, an assortment of skin problems, itchy dry skin and paws, scabs, and sores. Warren London was created to be the top luxury natural dog spa and grooming line to dog owners, spa and grooming salons, veterinarians as well as retail stores around the world.  The belief at Warren London is that "Every dog deserves a spa day!"  They ...

Allergy-Free Dogs Are a Myth, Study Finds

Until recently, it has been a widespread thought that there is such a thing as hypoallergenic dogs that are better suited to people and households that have to be concerned about allergies, but a recent study proves that to be a myth.  It was believed that certain dogs have lower allergen levels than other dogs, placing them into a category of hypoallergenic. It would truly be an exciting day to learn that allergy sufferers have only to adopt one of those breeds; however that is simply not the case.  The term hypoallergenic refers to certain breeds of dogs that have been thought to shed less, as well as produce less dander and saliva.  A few of the popular breeds that are included in this category are Maltese, standard and toy Poodles, a variety of Terriers, and the Italian Greyhound.  The main characteristic that applies to each of these breeds is that they are all ...

Research Shows Dogs Can Tell Identical Twins Apart

If you are having trouble telling identical twins apart, you are in luck!  Research now indicates that dogs are capable of distinguishing one twin from the other simply by their scent.  If that doesn't make dogs smarter than humans, I don't know what does.  Up until now, the research that has been done has proved inconclusive, possible due to the different levels of training the dogs had received.  This most recent study, conducted by Scientists in the Czech Republic, used dogs that have all received the same level of training, proving that dogs can in fact tell identical twins apart based on scent. The study consisted of two sets of identical twins, one set of boys who were five years of age and other set girls, age seven.  Two sets of fraternal twins were used as well, a set of boys age 13 and a set of girls age 8.  Each ...

5 Tips to Safely Introduce Dogs and Cats for the First Time

Any pet owner that has both a cat and a dog probably knows the expression, "they fight like cats and dogs", very well.  If that's the case in your household, you will want to read this article!  If you are thinking of owning one of each, there are a variety of things that you can do to maintain an appropriate level of sanity in your home.  A dogs and cats ability to get along is influenced by their individual experiences with the other species before they are paired up.  Their communication styles are also different, which can lead to confusion.  For example, cats lash their tail to indicate displeasure or even anger, while dogs wag their tail to show they are happy and eager to play.  You can help them to share a home by keeping each pet’s best interests and instincts in mind. Introducing Them for the First Time 1. Bring them together as puppies and kittens If you don't already have either pet ...

PupQuest: Your Guide to Finding a Healthy, Happy Puppy

Once you've made the decision to welcome a new puppy into your home as a member of the family, the first question you probably have is where to start looking to make sure you find a healthy, happy pup.  The worst thing that could happen to someone who brings home a new puppy is to find out that the pup is unhealthy, at risk for certain diseases, or that he came from an unreputable breeder or puppy mill.  In order to combat each and every one of these potential heartbreaks, animal professionals with over 40 years of experience in veterinary medicine, education, dog training and shelter work have teamed up and created PupQuest, with one goal in mind: To inform and empower consumers. "Every week, we meet well-intentioned people who bought puppies for hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars from pet shops, online, or from disreputable breeders.  Many also adopted from shelters ...

9 Tips to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fun

Everyone looks forward to an extended weekend, no matter what the reason, but the 4th of July holiday is especially anticipated because of the fireworks, food, and fun.  While the festivities are something pet owners can't wait for, the pets feel entirely differently about the whole situation.  Don't get me wrong, dogs especially will probably enjoy being taken to outdoor barbeque's, but it's your job as the owner to make sure they don't eat harmful things.  While these dogs may like the change of scenery, keep in mind that when it comes time for the fireworks, pets should be put in a safe environment, far away from the noise and commotion. Pets at Parties Dogs will surely love to be taken to the parties that are in abundance over the 4th of July weekend, however there are some things to keep in mind when letting join in the festivities. Unless fenced in, keep ...

How to Teach Your Parrot to Talk

One of the most popular reasons people choose parrots as pets is their ability to talk and learn to do a variety of tricks.  Other reasons include their beautiful coloring, they take up less space as opposed to cats and dogs, and don't require the same amount of time in terms of training.  Teaching your bird to talk will bring you years of entertainment, as well as some loud evenings! Before you can take the appropriate steps to train your parrot to talk, you must first be able to establish how much he'll be able to learn.  One of the ways of doing this is to form a bond, getting to know your bird and letting them get to know you.  You'll want to start forming this bond when the bird is very young, as the older it gets, the harder it will be.  One of the most important things to keep in ...

Dog Poop to Get DNA Tested to Find Irresponsible Owners

Jupiter, FL - Residents of a condominium complex in Jupiter, Fl will soon have to be more responsible about picking up after their dog goes to the bathroom, as it will soon be quite easy to determine who the culprits are that leave it where it falls!  Apparently, the problem is getting so out of control at The Village of Abacoa that dog poop is being found in the weirdest places, from the elevators to the stairwells to the lobby, that a decision has been reached to put a stop to the irresponsibility of these dog owners. You would think it would be much simpler...if you are a dog owner, be responsible enough to carry a plastic bag with you and clean up after Fido does his business.  Instead, starting August 1 through August 31, residents of the complex will have to pay a $200 fee to have their dog's saliva swabed in order to ...

Pet Friendly Weed Killers

There is a huge variety of weed killers, insecticides, herbicides, and pest repellents available for even the pickiest of homeowners, but how many of them are safe for your pets?  Almost none of the standard products you would find in your local store come with a label that says not harmful to pets.  So what do you do to remove weeds from your property when you have pets in order to keep them safe?  How about items already found in your home!  Using common household items as effective pet friendly weed killers will not only keep your dogs or cats safe, but will save you some money as well! Sugar Sugar, probably the most common household item, is a completely pet safe alternative to buying chemical weed killers in a store.  It is also especially good for hard to remove weeds like ones with a thick, rough stem like vines and weed trees.  The sugar reacts ...