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Abandoned Dog is First to Have 4 Prosthetic Legs

It was a day come true for Nakio, a once abandoned Red Heeler Cattle dog, when he could once again run, jump, and play.  As the first dog ever to be fitted with all four prosthetic legs, Nakio is receiving a lot of well deserved attention.  This story is an extraordinary example of how far people will go for the welfare of their pets and how much this dog is loved by his current owners. What started as a normal life for Nakio and his brothers and sisters in Nebraska quickly turned into a painful case of abandonment.  After his owners home was forclosed on, they fled, leaving Nakio and the other dogs of only 5 weeks old to fend for themselves during the harsh winter.  Areas of the basement became filled with water, where Nakio's paws got stuck as the water froze.  Thankfully, the litter was taken to an animal rescue center, but it ...

Dogs Allowed at 1 in 5 Work Places in the U.S.

National 'take your dog to work day' is June 24 this year, bringing with it the chance to liven up the work place with man's best friends!  Can you imagine how much fun a day like that is going to be?  Well imagine if you worked for one of the companies across the U.S. that allowed you to bring your dog to work with you everyday!  It's not just the small places like mom and pop stores or pet stores that are allowing this.  In fact, large companies such as Amazon and Google are two of the places where your dog is just as welcome as you are (maybe more so)! According to a recent survey by American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, about one in five companies now allows pets, and three percent of dog owners have brought theirs to work a couple dozen times.  One of the reasons why more companies are choosing to allow dogs in ...

Tips to Choose a Responsible Cat Breeder

Breeding cats is more than just putting two cats together and letting them follow their mating instincts.  It involves a certain degree of patience, responsibility, care and effort that only the best choices in breeders will achieve.  Breeding cats involves actual scientific and systematic ideas and also involves an emotional aspect; a cat breeder's fulfillment does not come from the money they make, it comes from the accomplishment of mating two cats to produce offspring.  The best of breeder’s have one main goal in mind - to safeguard the welfare of the cats. Characteristics of a Responsible Cat Breeder Preservation or improvement of a cat pedigree is of utter importance - Making the difficult choice of the parent cats is done on the basis of health, high quality traits, and reproducing capability.  A truly responsible breeder will in no way pair cats carelessly. Being the most up-to-date on the latest news and information about cat breeding - The welfare of ...

Pets Being Saved From Death Row With Help of Facebook App

The number of cats and dogs that are in need of good homes are rising, especially with the spring and summer months bringing about the addition of newborns.  Many times animals are simply dropped off at animal shelters, where they will remain until their untimely death.  Many animal shelters do not advocate euthanization, but just as many do, sentencing the animals that could become someone's pet to death.  The release of the Facebook Page called Pet Pardons is one step in the right direction to help relieve these pets from death row.  Pet Pardons is also a FB application that you can install in order to become part of the animal saving goal. With Pet Pardons, you can post a pet who is on death row (or in a no-kill shelter) to try and save them, or go to a pet's profile and click "Advocate" to share the pet on your wall in the hopes they will ...

6 Best Types of Cat Litter

Unless your cat is toilet trained, cat litter is a necessity, but with all of the different kinds available, how do you decide which is the best brand or type for your feline friend?  They all do basically the same thing - provide a place for your cat to go to the bathroom - but some have additional features that others don't, like smell absorption, clumping action, or being eco-friendly.  Here are the top 7 best types of cat litter according to expert and user review sources: #6 - Yesterday's News by Purina Yesterday's News Cat Litter is made from recycled materials, so you can feel good that you are taking a small step for the good of your cat, your home and the environment.  This non-toxic cat litter is designed to keep tracking it around to a minimum, is tough on odors, and is 99.7% dust free. #5 - Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter This ...

Dog Saliva Has Healing Properties

Have you ever heard someone say, "let the dog lick it, it will heal faster"?  Sounds gross doesn't it?  Well, research findings suggest that it's true, a dogs saliva actually does have healing properties that can help a wound.  Just the simple mechanical action of a dogs tongue can be helpful in dealing with a wound, as the saliva of a dogs tongue acts to loosen any debris that may be on the surface of the wound.  The dirt or other debris will become attached to the moisture of the saliva, causing a cleansing of the wounded area. Researchers at the University of Florida at Gainesville have discovered a protein called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in saliva.  Wounds that were treated with NGF actually healed twice as fast as untreated wounds, indicating that if a dog does lick a humans wound, it could in fact lead to a faster recovery.  In addition, Dr. Nigel ...

Goldfish Could be Banned in San Francisco

San Francisco, CA - The San Francisco Animal Control and Welfare Commission is suggesting a citywide ban on goldfish, guppy, and tropical fish sales in an attempt to prevent "impulse buys," which many times leads to the animals being left at shelters or dropped off in the wild.  The goldfish ban would be in addition to the already proposed bill suggesting that the sale of small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, puppies, and kittens be restricted.  A representative explained, "Most fish in aquariums are either mass bred under inhumane conditions or taken from the wild.  That leads to devastation of tropical fish from places like Southeast Asia."  The overall goal of the proposed bill is to make it harder for puppy and kitten mills to supply pet stores. The commission's ban would cover pet stores and breeders within the San Francisco borders, but at this point is not expected to pan out.  Commission member, Philip Gerrie, said, ...

Get In The Know: Pet First-Aid and CPR Courses

Los Angeles, CA - Most pet owners consider themselves to be caring individuals who would do just about anything to make sure their furry friends are safe, well protected, and healthy.  Well, there are still things you can learn in order to prepare yourself for an emergency situation that may involve you having to administer first-aid or even CPR to your pets.  If you have never taken a pet first-aid or pet CPR class, you will absolutely want to keep reading.  Did you even know these types of courses were available?  Well thanks to Jillian at Healthy Paws in LA, pet owners can sign up for these courses and become the most prepared they can be to take care of their pets in the event of an emergency. Jillian became a pet first aid/CPR instructor after her dog, Diego, died in her arms an hour after she picked him up from a routine teeth ...

6 Summer Dangers for Pets

While it can be a blast to let your pets bask in the sunshine, romp on the beach, or take them with you on vacation during the summer, there are a few things as a pet owner you should be aware of in order to keep you pet as safe as possible.  There are some dangers that pets face that come to mind most often, like not leaving them in a hot car, refreshing their water more often, and not tying them to your bike when you run in for a cup of coffee, but what about the less common dangers you may not be aware of? Windows Leaving windows open during the warmer months can be dangerous to your pets because curiosity will most likely get the better of them, causing them to jump or even fall.  Some veterinarians see two or three pets a week that have fallen or jumped from windows, roofs, balconies or fire ...

Your Dog Can Read Your Mind

The answer to the question, "Can Dogs Read Humans Minds?" is startling, yes they can.  In fact, dogs are actually born with what it takes to be so in tune to their owners minds, that they can instinctively determine when you are happy, healthy, depressed, tired, stressed out, when you have a headache, as well as other things.  According to a recent study published in the journal Learning and Behavior, dogs do have some natural ability to sense when they've got your attention, but they also hone that sense through a lifetime of experience.  Although dogs are born with a type of 'sixth sense', it does take exposure to their owners to refine the skill and truly be able to 'read our minds'! Monique Udell, the lead author of the study conducted at the University of Florida, along with her team of researchers, carried out two experiments involving both wolves and dogs.  The dogs were from both domesticated ...