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Surfing Dog Helps Benefit Austin Humane Society

Austin, TX - Dogs are praised all over the world for their quirky ways, intelligence, and ability to learn and be trained, but have you ever heard of a dog that taught himself how to surf?  For the last seven years, Beaster, a black bundle of joy, has been enjoying the sport of surfing with owner Cortney Hope.  Beaster has earned the nickname "the surfing dog" for his ability and eagerness to climb onto Hope's surfboard and have himself an experience most dogs will never have. Hope and Beaster surfed in a Texas lake for the Austin Humane Society event fundraiser called "Martinis and Bikinis" on Sunday, July 31, which was sponsored by Austin Event Stylists, Social Ding, Austin Boats & Motors, Hydrotunes Sound Systems, Austin Surf Company and Miss High Life.  The fundraiser took place at Wahoo's Fish Taco's on Rio Grande, with charitable tickets on sale for $5.  Proceeds were to benefit the Austin Humane Society. Cortney Hope has ...

Comparing Annual and Monthly Pet Insurance Premiums: Your Guide

People are presented with one of two options for funding dog, cat and rabbit insurance from Pets at Home: monthly and annual payments. There are pros and cons for individuals using both methods, though they are presented to give different approaches to caring for your beloved cat, dog, rabbit or any other animal you keep in and around the home. The traditional method to pay for pet insurance is through annual payments. This way, you can simply invest in a policy once for the 12-month period through one single lump-sum payment, either with a credit or debit card. Payments cover the entire insurance term and can be renewed at the end of the first period. The benefits of this system are great in number. First, the simplicity of making the payment is favoured by many. You receive the documentation and then you can be safe in the knowledge that your pet is ...

Microchips Now The Law In California?


Los Angeles - A bill introduced in the California State Senate has already passed by a vote of 32-6 and is now scheduled to go to the House in the middle of August. The bill which has bipartisan support would require all dogs and cats that are adopted or claimed from a shelter be implanted with a microchip. According to Sharon Curtis Granskog, spokeswoman for the American Veterinary Medical Association, “if passed, the measure, introduced by state Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, would be the first of its kind enacted in the U.S. A few states require shelters to scan but do not require them to actually microchip," Granskog said. "New York has introduced a bill every year, including this year, that would make micro chipping dogs mandatory." So far the bills have had no success in getting passed. Besides the fact that micro chipping can help prevent the loss of a pet ...

Pets May Actually Lower Allergy Risks


Scientists now say that having a dog or cat while children are growing up may actually lower the rate of nasal allergies as they reach adolescents. In a new study recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, one out of every four respondents reported that they have nasal allergies. Most say there allergies began when they were an adolescent. The study also showed that small children who were exposed to many other children either due to day care or having siblings had a lower risk of nasal allergies. The more exposure a child has too greater numbers of children or pets the lower the chance of developing a nasal allergy later in life. There are always other risk factors that contribute nasal allergies like family history and mothers that smoke during pregnancy. The good news is that growing up with pets can also help lower the ricks of developing ...

Crazy Cat Lady or Rescue Hero?

Parlier, CA - Most people who have a home with 700 cats would be considered a little crazy. After all, who could possible care for that many animals? Lynea Lattanzio can. She runs a '12-acre no-cage, no-kill cat refuge' called "Cat House on the Kings" where over 700 rescued cats have taken residence. The facility takes in strays, provides neutering services, and sets up adoptions. Lynea got her start when her mother banned her from having a cat as a child. After a divorce later in life she dedicated herself to rescuing cats. Two decades later she estimates she has saved more the 19,000 felines. Her story is now the subject of a documentary on National Geographic, entitled The Lady with 700 Cats, will tell the story of the sanctuary located outside of Fresno, California. Her sanctuary is no small-potatoes operation, with 25 staff, an intensive-care unit and even a retirement home for older ...

Tips To Help Pets Manage Extreme Heat

Harrisburg, PA - With extreme heat pounding the midwest and eastern United States, families with pets are warned to keep the safety of pets in mind, as they cannot deal with the heat as easily as humans. Pets that are heavier and have darker coats are most at risk to heat stress and precautions should be taken to observe their behavior early in the day. If your pet suffers from chronic illness this stress can exacerbate their symptoms and create an avoidable trip to the vet. Here are some additional tips: 1 - Avoid Unneceesary Car Trips - Whenever possible you should not take your pets with you on car trips where they will need to sit in the car for any length of time. Interior temperatures can rise in minutes and create suffocating conditions for them, even for five minutes by themselves. While driving, if there is no air conditioning your pet ...

10 Best Dog Breeds for Families

Bringing a dog into a household with children can be a rewarding and educational lifestyle change, but how do you know which breed is best for your family?  There are many things to consider when deciding which breed to get, from the price to what you can expect in terms of temperment, health issues, and eagerness to play.  You also want to take into consideration the size of the home you will bring the dog into, as you wouldn't want a large dog if you live in a one bedroom apartment, no matter how well they are known to get along with people, children, or other animals. This list brings you the 10 best dogs for families, however it is important to keep in mind all of the circumstances before making a final decision. 10. Standard Schnauzer The Standard Schnauzer is very well suited to families with young children, as this breed will make ...

How to Properly Introduce New Fish to the Tank

After you've carefully chosen just the right collection of fish to add to your fish tank, you'll want to make sure that you introduce them to the water and possibly other fish properly.  How sad it would be for a child if just hours after the excitement of possibly their first pet, the fish turned up dead from simply not acclimating them to their new home correctly.  One of the reasons why there is a need to properly introduce fish to an aquarium is the bacteria content.  Simply mixing pet store fish tank water with clean aquarium water makes for an unhealthy environment for the fish. Fish can go through a shock process when moved from one tank to another, so be sure to follow each of these steps gently and with patience. When starting a new aquarium, the most important step in the process is to set everything up, including the ...

5 Best Hunting Dog Breeds

Every hunter knows how important it is to have a helper with him, whether the hunt is for fox, birds, rabbits, ducks, or other game.  There are a variety of dog breeds that make excellent hunting dogs, however this article will focus on the five best.  Not only will they be there to help him find and retrieve the target, good hunting dogs will also provide great company! Hunting Dog Breed #5: English Springer Spaniel The English Springer Spaniel breed is a type of gundog and was specifically bred to 'flush' or 'spring' birds out of hiding in order to give the hunter a wide array of chances to hit a target.  Because their mouth grip is so gentle, the English Springer Spaniel is perfect for retrieving game without inflicting any damage with its teeth.  These dogs are considered medium sized hunting dogs, weighing in at approximately 40-50 pounds, and are able ...

Cocker Spaniels Come With Pros AND Cons

The first thing that probably comes to mind when you think of the Cocker Spaniel dog breed is Lady, the dog from the movie, Lady and the Tramp.  Capturing hearts all across the nation, the Cocker Spaniel does in fact have the traits associated with what is portrayed in the movie, including their loyalty, eagerness to play, and sweet nature.  Owning these types of dogs will come with all of these pros, as well as cons that any potential owner should be aware of. Traits The Cocker Spaniel has a variety of traits that make them a very popular breed to own, including their ability to adapt so well to different environments and people.  They are typically a sweet natured animal that is obedient, devoted, and friendly.  They do not bark excessively, which makes the Cocker Spaniel a suitable dog for those living in smaller spaces such as apartments.  Whether you are introducing this type of breed to a large family or the elderly, they fare well in either situation.  Considered a medium sized dog, ...