horseback riding

5 Tips for a Safe Horseback Riding Experience

Superman’s (Christopher Reeve) fall from grace - and a horse - helped bring to light the dangers of horseback riding, even for an experienced...

How to Help Wildlife Orphans This Spring

Spring is the season during which wild animals have plenty of babies. But if you come across an orphaned baby animal, is it okay...

Why We Think the Wolf is Evil

When we’re little kids, we learn that slow and steady wins the race and other helpful lifelong lessons, thanks to a tome of fairytales....

Do Animals Get Drunk? Beware Of Your Pumpkins

While fall time in the US usually equates to Halloween and leaf peeping, in Darwin, Australia, it’s the start of Drunk Lorikeet Season. This...
glow in the dark

The Strange and Amazing World of Glow in the Dark Sea Life

We love our glow in the dark stuff don’t we? Whether it be glow in the dark markers, clothing, ceiling stars, or - in college...
miss usa

Miss USAs Pose Naked for PETA to Fight Fur

When we hear about a beauty queen’s nude pics, we usually expect it to be some kind of scandal that forces her to give...

Two Headed Animals: Do They Exist?

  While two heads may sound better than one, that isn’t always the case in nature. Although two-headed animals are rare, they do occur. The...

Animals That Mourn Their Dead

Sometimes we forget that despite our amazing and seemingly human-specific characteristics, we are, in fact, still animals. Which is why it shouldn’t be so...

Unique Ways Animals Rest and Sleep

Just like humans, animals need to get a few good hours of sleep in order to function at their best, but the ways in...

The Oregon Chub Minnow Triumphs Extinction

No one has ever really given the Oregon Chub Minnow much of a second (or first) thought … until now. Why would they? The...