
The Importance of Playtime with Your Cat

Although felines can be independent, they also crave companionship and playtime with their human guardians and with other cats. Taking just a little bit...
global fear in dogs

Help! My Dog’s Afraid of Everything. Global Fear in Dogs and What to do?

A lot of dogs are afraid of something. Just like you may be afraid of heights, snakes, or your Aunt Bertha’s cheek-pinching ways, dogs...

Five Tricks Every Dog Should Know

Not everybody will grow up to speak like Martin Luther King, but we all should be able to say a few things well (please,...

5 Ways to Challenge Your Dog’s Mind

Anyone who is a parent knows that a tired kid is a well-behaved kid. The same goes for dogs. Dogs who are mentally and...
shock collar

Are electric shock collars helpful, harmful or useless for dog training?

Whether we subscribe to them or not, I’m sure we all have some sort of reaction to electric/shock collars. Many of us see them...

Why Is My Dog…?

Answers To The Questions That Boggle Your Mind Dogs do some crazy things that make us scratch our heads and laugh. And while we’re entertained...

Dogs and Their Ability to Smell and Detect Cancer

A dog’s sense of smell is one of its coolest features. Its nose can pinpoint bombs, drugs, and, in some cases, the moment a...

Breed Basics: Dachshunds

The dachshund is recognized around the world by his distinctive shape and nickname, the wiener dog. They come in three sizes (standard, miniature, and toy)...
dog fighting

Dog Fighting vs. Dog Playing – What’s the Difference?

Getting the opportunity to let your dog play with a fellow canine is always a fun experience. Firstly, your dog is socializing, but secondly,...

Diabetic Boy in Need of Alert Dog

Seven-year-old Nicholas Keim of Sacramento was born with Down syndrome and diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was just 18 months old. Because...