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Behavior & Training


Can You Really Walk a Cat On a Leash?

It’s perhaps one of the strangest sights you see – somebody walking their cat via a leash and harness. But if you stop to...
water dogs

How Can You Turn Your Dog Into a Water Dog?

It’s one of the biggest fears any dog owner has: their dog will be afraid of water, or will refuse to dip his paws...

Breed Basics: Chihuahuas

The tiny Chihuahua is perhaps best known as the Taco Bell dog although this does the breed a bit of a disservice. Unfortunately, far...
new baby

How To Introduce Your New Baby to Your Dog

We often say that babies have a unique smell and presence that changes our lives and homes instantly. We’re dead on, and our dogs...
shock collar

Are electric shock collars helpful, harmful or useless for dog training?

Whether we subscribe to them or not, I’m sure we all have some sort of reaction to electric/shock collars. Many of us see them...
running with your dog

Running With Your Dog – Races and Tips

There are so many benefits to running with your dog. First, it’s healthy for both of you. Second, it’s a sure fire way to...

Why Is My Dog…?

Answers To The Questions That Boggle Your Mind Dogs do some crazy things that make us scratch our heads and laugh. And while we’re entertained...
agility training

Benefits of Agility Training for Your Dog

Training your dog is an important step in ensuring he'll be properly socialized and always willing to take commands and behave. But, in addition...

Dogs and Their Ability to Smell and Detect Cancer

A dog’s sense of smell is one of its coolest features. Its nose can pinpoint bombs, drugs, and, in some cases, the moment a...
dog scootering

Dog Scootering: What Is It and Is It Right for Your Dog?

Does your dog drag you down the street? Does it sometimes feel like your arm will be pulled out of the socket because he...