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Cat Lost Hundreds Of Miles From Home Returns Safely

Covelo, CA - Bill Uhlig was pretty certain that he would never see his cat, "Cinderella," again. But that didn't stop him from trying to find her. Last September, Uhlig lost Cinderella when he stopped at a gas station on his way home to Covelo, California from Glacier National Park in Montana. He didn't realize she had jumped from the motor home at the gas station until miles later when he stopped at a rest area. He returned to the gas station but she was gone. Uhlig, a heavy equipment mechanic, was ill with the flu at the time and decided to continue the trek home after several hours of searching. He spent several months sending out online bulletins for the missing cat, when an animal shelter in Idaho called and told him that a cat fitting the description in his bulletins was holed up in a barn outside of Aberdeen, Idaho. He ...

Hawk Attempts Kidnapping Of 10-Pound Dog


Slaughter, LA - You might want to test your surroundings overhead by using a stuffed animal as a decoy if you live in Slaughter, LA and have pets you hold dear.  Avid dog lover and grandmother, Pat Bringol, who's always enjoyed living in the country, heroically wrestled her 10 pound miniature dachshund away from the fierce grip of a hawk's talons last Wednesday.  She's now questioning whether the clean air and other benefits of living in the country are worth it! Out for her daily routine in her familiar backyard, "Hannah Marie" became the desire of a hawk, reportedly seen in the neighborhood for the past week.  "He's been in the trees and around our property," said Bringol.  "And, he's been around the neighborhood.  Our neighbors have seen him.  He's even been on our carport.  And, that's...scary."  Although pet owner, Jan, was taking every precaution to keep her furry friend from becoming the hawk's lunch, the ...

Tiny Dog, Awesome Power


Worthington, OH - While mulching leaves in March 2008, Paulette Gustafson had a painful twist in her abdomen that was later diagnosed as ovarian cancer. "I had to have emergency surgery on a tumor and was in the hospital for 12 days," she said. After Gustafson was release she was able to go home with 40 stitches in her stomach. Not long after the surgery, the Doctor told Gustafson she would need to begin Chemotherapy treatments to make sure the tumor was gone completely.  "I was scared to death during the treatments," she said. "I lost my hair, my eyebrows and was in a lot of pain. I felt like someone hit me in the knees with a two-by-four. I felt worse with every treatment. One day a little therapy dog came into her treatment room. "He was a black-and-white Shih Tzu and his name was Ralph," she said. "My father's name ...

AKC Recognizes Three New Dog Breeds

New York, NY - The American Kennel Club announced today that is has added three new breeds to it's list of Registered Breeds. These breeds, the Norwegian Lundehund, the Xoloitzcuintli and the Entlebucher Mountain Dog are officially recognized to be consider a popular breed for 2011. In addition, the AKC announced the results of its annual registration statistics for several major cities in the United States, as well as it's national rankings. These new rankings held mostly the same from 2009, with notable exceptions, including the Bulldogs continued increase in popularity: 2010 Most Popular Dogs in the U.S. 2009 Ranking 1. Labrador Retriever 1. Labrador Retriever 2. German Shepherd Dog 2. German Shepherd Dog 3. Yorkshire Terrier 3. Yorkshire Terrier 4. Beagle 4. Golden Retriever 5. Golden Retriever 5. Beagle 6. Bulldog 6. Boxer 7. Boxer 7. Bulldog 8. Dachshund 8. Dachshund 9. Poodle 9. Poodle 10. Shih Tzu 10. Shih Tzu The Labrador Retriever continues it's dominance at number one, as it has for the last decade. While the Bulldog has ...

Many Choose Pet Over Spouse, Results of AP-Petside Poll Show


NEW YORK (AP) - Most people are not given a choice when it comes to giving up a pet.  In fact, it can be one of the hardest things a pet owner would have to do.  Maybe that's the reason for the 14 percent of people who would choose to give up their significant other instead of their long time furry friend, as recently indicated by an AP-Petside Poll.  The poll, conducted in October 2010 by GfK Roper Public Affairs and Corporate Communications, involved the random landline and cell phone interviews of 1,501 adults nationwide, of which 1000 were pet owners. Unmarried people are 25 percent more likely to choose their pet over a relationship, as discussed in the article written about results of the poll.  Fidel Martinez, faithful owner of mixed breed rescue dog, Killer, said, "I would absolutely give up my girlfriend for him.  I know it sounds insane but I've had numerous relationships with women.  ...

Aussie – Border Collie Gets Beer Named In His Honor

Fort Collins, CO - New Belgium Brewing Company of Fort Collins Colorado and Outside Magazine have teamed-up to host a Mighty Arrow Facebook page that allows users to upload images and videos of their dogs for the opportunity to win prizes such as recycled plastic Frisbees, dog collars made from recycled tire tubes or a year’s subscription to Outside magazine. The contest is named for the Brewing Company’s Mighty Arrow Pale Ale that is in its third year as the brewery's spring seasonal release beer that was created as a tribute to New Belgium Brewing Company’s CEO Kim Jordan's Aussie/border collie mix named Arrow. Over the next six weeks, one winner will be chosen per week. In addition, the New Belgium Brewing Company and Outside Magazine will donate $1 for everyone who participates up to $10,000, to The Human Society of the United States. Already there have been 1,000 uploads to ...

A Free Day At The Spa For Some Cute Pooches

Pittston, PA - The Luzerne County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was given a special invitation by owners Joe Milazzo and Diane Kosek of Pawsitively Perfect Pet Salon in Pittston to bring in two lucky beagle dogs and a terrier for a day at the pet spa complete with nose to tail pampering. Though these animals are bathed and cleaned regularly by the SPCA on Friday, these lucky few got to go on a field trip to remember. Diva a beagle mix; Rosie, a beagle; and Galaxy, an atlas terrier all made the trip and are ready for adoption.   “It was a girls’ day out,” said Cary Moran, county SPCA education volunteer director. “They actually came to us and offered to let us bring the pets up,” said Moran, who took up the offer and traveled to the salon at 109 S. Main St. The dogs were treated to ...

Cockatoo Key To Breakthrough Discovery In Neuroscience…..and Music Videos?

San Diego, CA - So what does a Medium Sulphur-Crested Eleanora Cockatoo do in it's spare time (of which it has plenty?) Dance to the Backstreet Boys, is what. That's right, Snowball, loves to dance to songs with a catchy beat. And this is a scientific breakthrough. Since October 2007, over 4 million views of his video on YouTube (shown below) have not only catapulted Snowball to stardom, but also into the research of neuroscientists, John Iversen and Ani Patel, who have actively researched the relationship between music and the brain. No one had ever documented an animal processing and reacting to the beat of music, and Snowball was a gold mine of information. In an interview with the New York Times in May 2010, Patel described the significance of the finding, "Before I encountered Snowball, I wondered whether human music had been shaped for our brains by evolution — meaning, it helped ...

Rescued from Roadside, 6 Soft-Shell Turtles Recovering

Lacey Township, NJ - What were 10 soft-shell turtles doing close to a thousand miles away from their native environments, Florida, Georgia, and Alabama?  That remains the question ever since Popcorn Park Zoo Animal Rescue and Sanctuary received a unique call for help last Thursday, after a woman spotted turtles along side the Passaic River in West New York.  Shelter manager, D.J. Infield, said, "When I opened up the box, I got the fright of my life because I’d never seen those kind of turtles before." Surprisingly, the only wounds the 6 surviving turtles sustained, resulted from a seagull attack right before their rescue.  Due to the severe climate change from their native region, 4 of the soft-shell turtles did not survive. "They definitely would not survive in our climate," said John Bergmann, general manager of Popcorn Park Zoo in Lacey Township.  "That is why we believe all 10 turtles were dumped here."  It is such a serious matter, that The Associated ...

Veterinarians: Fish Oil Essential to Dog Health


Plano, TX - The benefits of maintaining a diet rich in fish oil extends beyond humans, veterinarians say.  Due to the lack of nutrients in dry dog food, no matter how "natural" it claims to be, our pets are at a higher risk of developing certain diseases and disorders.  Dr. Ian Billinghurst, author of Give Your Dog A Bone, says, "The lack of the omega 3’s can be a potent cause of infertility in our breeding stock together with growth problems in young pups and kittens, and most importantly, problems with the development of the nervous system.  This can result in early deterioration of vision and hearing, learning difficulties in puppies and kittens and behavioral problems in our pets that can continue throughout life." According to a study conducted by The American Journal of Veterinary Research, supplementing dogs diets with the proper dosage of Omega-3 Fish Oil had a positive, anti-inflammatory effect, ...