exotic pets tiger

Where Are Exotic Pets Allowed?

For some people, having a pet tiger as a companion isn’t an impossible dream. In the United States, legally owning a wild animal can...
animal sightings

Top 5 Strangest NYC Animal Sightings

Earlier this month, N-train riders saw a strange sight on their daily commute. Of course seeing strange sights on any NYC train isn’t all...

The Complexity of Parrots: Keeping Them Happy and Friendly

That adorable baby bird you purchased at the store may be very sweet as a youngster but may turn into the equivalent of a...
exotic pets

Top 10 Exotic Pets To Own

Having a pet is one thing - but having an exotic pet, well, that’s like having a show and tell 7 days a week....
pet bird

5 Signs Your Pet Bird is Sick

Because birds are prey animals, they'll mask signs of illness until they can't fake it any longer. This helps them survive in the wild,...
exotic pets

Is It Ethical to Keep Exotic Animals as Pets?

While it might be tempting---and legal in certain states and certain parts of the world---to keep exotic wild animals as pets, is it really...

Can Animals Speak Different Languages?

Tell a Mexican-born Chihuahua “sit” and he’ll cock his head at you and wonder what it is you just muttered. But tell him “siéntate”...
pet pig

Is Having a Pet Pig Like Having a Pet Dog?

George Clooney’s longest relationship to date isn’t with some long-legged model or ex-female-wrestler. It’s with a pet pig named Max. Max, a Vietnamese pot...
exotic pet laws

Are the Exotic Pet Laws In Ohio too Strict?

Zanesville, Ohio has been called the “wild west of animal ownership” with good reason. The large number of exotic pets living in Ohio reaches...