Wednesday, February 12, 2025
declawing your cat

Truths and Myths of Declawing Your Cat

Pulling fingernails off with a pair of tweezers is something we imagine happens in some torture chamber during wartime, in order for someone to...

10 Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm Around Fireworks

Labor Day is the last hurrah of summer, and most people are going to have picnics and other celebrations with their families. Like Memorial...
exotic pets

Top 10 Exotic Pets To Own

Having a pet is one thing - but having an exotic pet, well, that’s like having a show and tell 7 days a week....
teacup dogs

The Serious Facts Behind Teacup Puppies

Puppies are cute. There is no denying it and small ones are even cuter. There is something about their delicate little bodies, fitting into...

6 Common People Foods That Can Kill Your Dog

While many human foods are not only safe for dogs to eat but can also be quite healthy for them, there are many things...
dog poop

Four Ways to Dispose of Dog Poop

The last thing we think about when we get a new dog is about dog poop. We think about the shots, the leash, the...

Do Animals Get Drunk? Beware Of Your Pumpkins

While fall time in the US usually equates to Halloween and leaf peeping, in Darwin, Australia, it’s the start of Drunk Lorikeet Season. This...
pit bulls

Should Pit Bulls be Sterilized to End the Breed?

The Riverside County Department of Animal Services (in California) has put forth a proposal to require all full and mix-breed pit bulls to be...

The 5 Best Dogs for Lazy Owners

People prone to couch surfing and lazing around deserve the chance at a life with a dog, don’t they? These active-phobic folks shouldn’t have...

Two Headed Animals: Do They Exist?

  While two heads may sound better than one, that isn’t always the case in nature. Although two-headed animals are rare, they do occur. The...