circus animal abuse

Circus Animal Abuse – Does It Still Exist?

We all know that circus animal abuse once existed and was, in fact, quite a regular affair. But is it possible that this type...

How Should You Care for Your Budgie?

Budgies are actually small parrots, which most people mistake as parakeets. These birds are talking pets as they can be tamed and taught how...

Can My Dog Eat Thanksgiving Dinner?

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to join together for one monster of a meal. When you look at it on paper...

Why Can’t the Jerky Dog Treat Mystery Be Solved?

Over the past six years, more than 3,600 dogs (and 10 cats) have been reported as getting sick after eating jerky pet treats. Of...
annual exam

4 Reasons Why Your Pet Should Get an Annual Exam by a Vet

Because your dog or cat can't communicate to you when he isn't feeling well, and because animals are sometimes able to mask symptoms of...
animal cruelty

How to Report Animal Abuse

  Animal abuse happens quietly. Dogs, cats, horses, and more are tortured,neglected and physically harmed by their owners each day. The commercials of the ASPCA...
toxic foods for dogs

Six Toxic Foods For Dogs

As a pet owner, you wouldn’t intentionally feed poisonous food to your dog. Almost every dog owner could tell you to keep the Halloween...
dog hair dye

Dog Hair Dye: Harmless Fashion Statement or Borderline Animal Cruelty?

There was a big fad in China a few years back where people were dying their pets to look like wild animals such as...
kosher animals

Israeli Company Sued Over Cruelty to Kosher Animals

This is when kosher is anything but. Israeli-based Adom Adom (very red) is a top quality brand of beef, that is supplied its beef from,...
digestive tract

How to Naturally Strengthen Your Dog’s Digestive Tract

Your dog's digestive tract is much more important than you realize. In addition to being responsible for breaking down food and removing toxins from...