Rescue Shelter Being Foreclosed On; Dogs Need New Homes

Savannah, TN - It's going to be a heartbreaking day for Savannah's K-9 Sanctuary owner, Sally Burnham, when the doors shut for the last...

Thousands of Elephants Lost to Poaching in Gabon

For Africa’s elephants, life in a national park isn’t poacher-free. After a recent head count at Gabon’s Minkebe Park, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)...

Appalling Story of Starved Pit Bull Turns Tragic

Detroit, MI - What started as a sad story of a pit bull being found starved and abandoned in Detroit has quickly turned into...

Crickets Raised For Pet-Reptile Food Face Lethal Virus

A paralyzing virus is sweeping through cricket farms in the United States and Canade, killing over 100 million crickets and jeopardizing the businesses of cricket farmers in North America. First appearing in Europe in 2002, the virus has made its way to the United States and is devastating cricket farms dedicated to providing a food source to pet reptile owners and zoos around the country.

Bobcat Released Back Into the Wild By PA Game Commission

DALLAS, Pa., Nov. 16, 2012 – A cat may not have nine lives, but a young bobcat in the Poconos received a second one...

Dare-Devil Cat Rescued From Freeway Overpass

Imagine being out for a drive on the freeway and noticing a cat that looks like it's getting ready to either jump or fight...

Why Exotic Pet Laws Should be Strengthened

While it can be interesting and exciting to want to own an exotic pet such as a lion or wolf, the dangers of doing...

Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog Nearly Extinct

San Francisco, CA - For almost a decade there many types of amphibians including the mountain yellow-legged frog of Southern California have been protected...

Unnecessary Pet Surgeries

Are pet surgeries that are purely cosmetic a good thing or just money makers for those veterinarians who are willing to perform them?  I...
exotic pet laws ohio

Exotic Pet Laws Tightened – Ohio Folks Have to Microchip

A federal judge in Ohio recently sided against owners of exotic pets by requiring these owners to join private associations and to implant microchips...