Dogs Now Have Their Own TV Channel: DOGTV


Yes, you read the title of this article correctly; dogs now have their own channel on television called DOGTV.  While some may be thinking that sounds like a waste of time and money, the channel was in fact scientifically developed to help stimulate, entertain, relax and habituate dogs.  Is this really possible you ask?  According to Nicholas Dodman, a professor of Clinical Sciences at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and program director of the Animal Behavior Department, it is.

Dodman, assisted by a team of pet experts, trainers, and broadcast media professionals, all came together to create a channel just for dogs that will run 24/7; DOGTV.

The programing was scientifically developed to provide the right company for dogs when left alone.  Through years of research with some of the world’s top pet experts, special content was created to meet specific attributes of a dog’s sense of vision and hearing and supports their natural behavior patterns.  The result: a confident, happy dog, who’s less likely to develop stress, separation anxiety or other related problems.

There are three different types of programming that can be found on DOGTV; relaxing, stimulating, and positive reinforcement.

Dogs that are left alone tend to become anxious so the calming sounds and music in the relaxing segments were created to keep them peaceful.  Many dogs also suffer from a lack of stimulation, which becomes acute when their parents are away.  The stimulating segments provide dogs with invigorating images, animation and exciting real world sounds to keep them up and running.

DOGTV is for dogs of all breeds and has been tailored to their unique sense of hearing without startling or annoying their sensitive ears.  Dogs absolutely respond to what they see on the television so it’s actually a wonder something like this hasn’t been developed already.

DOGTV is recognized by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and uses concepts widely supported by leading organizations including The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) as a valuable product that contributes to the enrichment and quality of dogs’ lives.

Here’s an example of stimulating content that can be found on DOGTV:


  1. 6 month old spade female Affenpinscher.She’s adorable. Needs training, pulls at leash when walking. house broken. I have a 6 year old Brussels Griffen who I thought would have a new playmate. It didnt work out that way. They both want to be the head dog. She lives in the house, sleeps on my bed beside my bed. She’s had all her shots, is papered and spoiled. Loves to run, so a well fenced yard would help her run off some energy. She loves toys and is very good at hiding them where you would least expect to find them; she loves to chase balls, I havent had a chance to try her in the ocean, but i’m sure she would love that too. Her name is Mz. Motley. She has a monkey face outlined in white, black head and back, and four tanned legs. still a puppy, so she likes to nip at hands. Tell her no bite, kiss kiss,and shell look up at you and give you [email protected] Just want a loving home with those who will take good care of her. She’s special. 7604341671 My name is Dana.

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