National Cat Show Features 25 Different Breeds


One hundred and fifty cats making up about 25 different breeds will be competing in the Canadian Cat Association National Show which is taking place February 25-26 at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.  In addition to the competition the cats will take part in, the show is also the perfect place to purchase or adopt a cat from breeds such as long-haired Himalayan to the hairless Sphynx.

“Cat shows are fun because if you’re a cat person that’s where you’re going to see the nicest cats, new breeds and so forth,” said Louise Laliberté, president of the Canadian Cat Association.  Cat owners have entered their cats into one of four categories; Premiership, Championship, Kitten, and Household.  The Top 3 Best of Best will be awarded in all categories on both days of the event.

In addition to the competition and the chance to bring home a new member of the family, there will also be a variety of vendors there with products and fun stuff available for purchase.  It makes for a great time to spoil your cat whether they are a part of the competition or not!

Admission the the National Cat Show is $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for seniors and children under 12 years of age, or you can purchase a family pack (2 adults and 2 children) for $20.00.  An admission coupon is available and will save you $2.00 off of a family pack or $1.00 off a single admission.

The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) was founded in 1960 to promote the welfare of all the cats in Canada, to further the improvement of all breeds of cats in Canada and to maintain a registry of purebred cats and currently has over 190,000 individual cats registered.

Take a look at the 2010-2011 winners of “Best Cat”, “Best Kitten”, “Best Alter”, and “Best Household Pet”.  Each of these cats is special and unique in its own way and fully deserves to be recognized!