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Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership at an Early Age

Bel Air, MD, May 27, 2012 --(PR.com)-- In an effort to promote pet responsibility at an early age, the Pet Care Trust, with the assistance of the World Pet Association and other pet-related businesses, raised over $12,000 for its Pets in the Classroom Grant Program at the 23rd annual America’s Family Pet Expo in Orange County, California April 20-22.  The money raised will provide 100 teachers with grants to aid them in financing a classroom pet.  These 100 grants have the potential to enrich the lives of 3000 students through the human-animal bond. The Pet Care Trust raised the money at America’s Family Pet Expo by hosting a Betta Fish Toss and aquarium raffle, as well as having a Pet Care Trust store which sold donated pet supplies at a discounted price.  All of these fundraisers were made possible through the donation of goods and resources from the following pet suppliers ...

Raw Pet Food Debate

There is still a lot of debate over raw pet food versus cooked and processes pet foods.  Racing dogs and sled dogs have a long history of being fed raw meat and bones.  Bringing those diets to family pets has been a more recent idea that was proposed in 1993 by Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst.  He called his ideas BARF which stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. A raw dog food diet typically consists of: •    Muscle meat, often still on the bone •    Bones, either whole or ground •    Organ meats such as livers and kidneys •    Raw eggs •    Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and celery •    Apples or other fruit •    Some dairy, such as yogurt Sharon Misik is an actress living in Bradbury, California, with her husband and two Siberian huskies that she adopted in 2008.  Ms. Misik is a true believer of the raw meat diet for her dogs after spending thousands of dollars on specialized ...

Healthy and Fun Additions to Your Pet Bird’s Diet

Providing your pet bird with a nutritionally balanced diet is of utmost importance.  Seed mixes and pellets form a great foundation for your bird’s diet, but birds benefit from a variety of other foods as well as enjoying the new flavors, colors and experiences that fresh foods bring. You can feel free to add a variety of fruits and vegetables to the bird’s diet, such as lettuce, green beans, parsley, corn, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.  Fruits that birds enjoy include apple chunks, banana, melon, mango, oranges and other citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple and berries.  Some types of birds can also eat “people” foods like low-fat yogurt, low-sugar cereals, and proteins like a little shredded chicken or turkey. Birds also benefit from the protein in cooked legumes (but raw legumes can be toxic to birds, so be sure to cook beans thoroughly). Alfalfa sprouts are another good source of pet bird food but be ...

Pennsylvania Deliberates Strict Exotic Pet Laws

Pennsylvania is considering joining the ranks of the many States that have adopted strict exotic pet laws that are designed to protect the public in the event these animals were to get loose. We are not just talking about cute little furry animals but lions, tigers, coyotes, bears, bobcats, leopards, cougars, cheetahs and primates. The Human Society of the United States is asking the PA Senate to pass a bill that would stop the possession of these dangerous animals. Currently, it is legal to own and keep a wild pet in Pennsylvania provided you have purchased the appropriate permit(s) for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. You don’t even have to notify your neighbors, police or the local schools in your area that you have a potentially dangerous animal on your property. According to the Humane Society, no one is keeping tabs on the situation According to the Humans Society, while conducted an undercover investigation ...

Pets Allowed at More Assisted Living Facilities

It is becoming more common place as hundreds of assisted living / independent living and memory facilities across the U.S. allow their client’s pets to come live with them. The number of people seeking facilities that allow pets for their aging family members has grown substantially. “As many as 40 percent of people ask about pets when calling A Place for Mom, the nation's largest senior living referral service”, said Tami Cumings, its senior vice president. “When the service was founded 12 years ago, pets were seldom considered when it came time for older people to enter rest homes or skilled nursing homes” “Living centers usually prefer smaller pets and put the limit at two. Not all pets are dogs and cats either”, Cumings said. “They get a lot of calls about birds and fish, too”. There are still many facilites for our aging population that do ...

New Application Helps Dog Lovers and Owners to Study Dogs

Indore, India, (PR.com) CDN Mobile Solutions, a leading Mobile Application development company is glad to announce the launch of its new application “Dog Selector”, a useful application for Dog Lovers.  This is a Universal App i.e. it is compatible for iPhone and iPad as well. The application helps dog lovers and owners to study dogs.  The Dog Selector app is simple to use and allows in-depth information about breeds and their personality.  The application has two sections: Dog library (free to access) - The Dog Library is for those users or dog lovers who are not aware of the various breeds of dogs.  This library displays information about different breeds like Hound dogs, hunting dogs, Molossers Dogs, etc.  The Dog Lover can select and add them as favorites and share them on face book with friends. Breed selection (In-app $.99) – This section is for selecting breed.  The users have to answer few ...

Top 18 Most Unique Dog Names

One of the most fun parts about bringing a puppy home to be the newest member of the family is deciding what its name should be.  Do you choose something classy or funny?  Do you want your dog to have a name unlike any other?  Do you go with a run of the mill name that easy for your toddler to pronounce or maybe you are naming it after a place you visited?  There are literally millions of names you can choose for your dog, but some are definitely more unique than others. Top 18 Most Unique Dog Names 18. Pistachio 17. Brazil 16. Station 15. Abogato 14. Bandi 13. Miami 12. Killian 11. Griffey 10. Odysseus 9. Haze 8. Gemma 7. Kashmir 6. Clover 5. Elixir 4. Vienna 3. Majic 2. Kaizzic 1. Arabellum

Pets Play a Political Role


Voters often make the connection between political figures and what types of pets they own and how they treat them. Presidents throughout the years have used their “pet connections” to help them establish themselves as compassionate and understanding human beings. "Presidents and their pets have a long and storied history," says Garrett Graff, a goldfish owner and editor-in-chief at Washingtonian magazine "Most of us don't 'get' Middle East oil politics, and the rise and fall of the G.D.P., but we 'get' it if you connect with a dog or you connect with a cat." Barring in mind that sometimes the way a presidential candidate connects with their pets can influence voters. For example, President Obama admitted to eating dog as a child and Mitt Romney admitted that 30 years ago he had put the family dog in a luggage carrier and had him ride on the roof of their car on ...

Shelter Dog Wins Visionary Award

Los Angeles, CA - (PR.com) Super Smiley, the giant mutt from Pet Life Radio’s A Super Smiley Adventure, wins at the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles for his film documentary, Super Smiley Flash Mob – A Dogumentary.  The 2012 Awareness Film Festival presented world-renowned films including Tom Shadyak’s I Am and Humane Society of the United States’ Minds in the Water and showcases films containing ecological, health and animal awareness value. Right in the middle of this stellar lineup was a smiling mutt narrating his film.  With music and songs by Mark Winter and Megan Blake, and directed by Blake, Smiley’s film takes the audience on his mission of energizing pet adoption by creating a Flash Mob campaign and touring it across the country with the goal of finding all homeless pets forever homes.  He breaks the fourth wall directly addressing the audience as he explains.  He instructs his person, ...

Preserving Pets After They Pass On is Becoming Popular

According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent over $50 billion on their pets in 2011. It's numbers like that make it no surprise that preserving pets after they die is increasingly becoming more popular. There's something unique about a pet that's been a member of the family for years and years. From being a best friend, companion, and source of entertainment, dogs and cats have a way of being there for us that we sometimes don't even realize until they are missing from our lives. But they don't have to be completely gone...EVER. Just as some people utilize taxidermy to preserve great catches like an eight pound bass or a first shark, many pet owners are now preserving their pets to keep them "alive" forever. Take the story of Mary Kaufman of Lonoke, Arkansas and her dog Brittany. Brittany, a 14 year ...