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Dogs Find Home in Workplace

Many businesses today are opening their doors to allow employees to bring their dog to work. It is reported by the American Pets Products Association that about 1.4 million owners took 2.3 million dogs to work every day. When the group last surveyed businesses, in 2006, one in five was dog-friendly. That number is probably holding steady if you include one-person offices, work-at-home pet owners and retail shops, said Len Kain, co-founder and editor of DogFriendly.com, which lists dog-friendly companies in every state. Google Inc. and Amazon.com are among the largest companies to allow dogs in the work place.  “Engineering and software companies are often the type of company that is pet-friendly,” Kain said. “These companies have trouble finding people with the skills they need and do not want to lose these employees.” “Not every business can allow dogs”, said Kain, “Companies may be located in buildings that ban dogs; it can be ...

Why Pets Need Rabies Vaccinations

Rabies is a viral disease that is most often transmitted from being bitten by a rabid animal.  It can threaten the lives of humans and other animals by the infected saliva getting into an open wound or even just the eye.  Dogs and cats that are left without rabies vaccinations are at risk for contracting the disease and spreading it.  It always has and always will be in the best interest of yourself and your pets to make sure the rabies vaccinations are kept up to date.  In fact, you may be unable to travel to certain places if you can't show proof that your pets are vaccinated. Not only is it common sense to have your pets vaccinated against rabies, but it's the law.  Rabies vaccinations are mandated by the Rabies Prevention and Control in Domestic Animals and Wildlife Act which became effective on February 13, 1987.  If you are ...

Study Reveals Pets May Feel Your Pain

Many pet owners will tell you that their pet is truly their best friend when they are feeling sad. A new study suggests this may not be far from the truth. In the study there seems to be a direct relationship between tears and how dogs respond to them. However, there is no hard evidence that dogs truly feel empathy. The study was published on May 30 by the University of London in the journal Animal Cognition. What the study showed is that dogs will most likely approach a crying person with submissive behavior over someone that is humming or talking. This does not mean that dogs necessarily understand our pain. "The humming was designed to be a relatively novel behavior, which might be likely to pique the dogs' curiosity," study researcher and psychologist Deborah Custance said in a statement. "The fact that the dogs differentiated between crying and humming ...

Lost Pet Poster is an Art Form

When your pet is lost, the things that go through your mind are first and foremost, how I get my pet back. According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, less than 2% of lost cats and 20% lost dogs are returned to their owners and that is only if the animal has a tag or microchip or items of identification. Putting-up posters all over town is another way that pet owners have had some measure of success in bringing their pet’s home. However, there is an art form to making lost pet posters and the following are some helpful tips you can use: 1. Sign Location, location, location is important and putting them on street light poles and utility poles may not be such a good idea. Instead, ask neighbors if you can post signs on their yards, intersections or near a sidewalk. Be sure to use large ...

Pets are Welcome Sleeping Companions

Many pet owners in the U.S. would rather sleep with their pets then with their human partner.  A 2007 survey by the American Pet Products Association found that of the 2,500 American pet owners studied, 62% of small dog owners, 41% of medium-sized dog owners, and 32% of large dog owners allowed their pets to sleep in bed with them.  In addition, 62% of cats sleep with their adult owners and 13% sleep with children. More than half of Britons let their pet sleep on their bed, according to a new study, while almost three-quarters allow their animals to share the bedroom.  One out of every three pet owners in Briton admits they would rather sleep with their pet then their partner. There are inherent draw backs to having the family pet sleep in your bed as they tend to twitch, snore, and wiggle.  71% of pet owners who let their pets ...

New Laws for Pets in Cars

New Jersey recently joined the list of States that regard unrestrained pets in a car as dangerous to humans in the car as well and other drivers.  In a 2010 survey by AAA, 20 percent of participants admitted letting their dogs sit on their laps while driving. “A “staggering” 31 percent said they were distracted by their dogs while driving”, said Raymond Martinez, chairman of New Jersey’s Motor Vehicle Commission, “It’s not cute, it’s actually dangerous for the driver.  It’s dangerous for other drivers and it’s dangerous for that pet.” Not everyone agrees with the New Jersey law that involves fines ranging from $250 to $1,000.  Many people believe this is a waste of resources. Regardless of whether you agree with the new pet restraint laws or not, all across the country states are beginning to create laws to protect drivers and their pets.  “You wouldn’t put your child in the car unrestrained, ...

Protect Your Pets This Summer

For many years now, we have all heard the warnings about using sunscreen to protect our skin from UVA and UVB rays that can be harmful to humans.  However, many pet owners may not realize that their pets need sun protection too. Animals with light colored noses, those with missing fur or short hair or if you have had your pet’s coat trimmed for the summer are the most in need of sun protection.  The groin, inside legs and abdomen are also areas that generally need protection as the skin is sensitive and the fur tends to be thin in these areas.  Because UV rays are reflected off many surfaces like the water, snow and even concrete, we tend to forget that our pets are exposed to the suns influence in different ways then ourselves year round. Many pets also like to expose their bellies to the sun and may need sunscreen.  ...

Main Reason Why It’s Difficult to Treat Dogs Demodectic Mange

Getting rid of demodectic mange can be a rather difficult task, mainly because it seems that the treatments given for it don’t always work.  What can cure a dog’s mange in a week for one person may require another to wait a month before seeing any result, if at all. This is partly why everyone seems to have differing theories about the best treatment option to use for demodectic mange, and why there are so many suggestions floating about.  One example is, of course, the infamous ‘motor oil treatment’, where the dog is drenched in the greasy, synthetic substance while praying for a positive outcome.  Regardless of the forms they take, it should be noted that most, if not all of them have some merit.  However, what they’re all missing is a crucial component in their puzzle that makes their remedies foolproof, and that component is the one reason why everyone’s ...

Pet Product Website Your Vet Doesn’t Want You to Know About

The average pet owner spends literally hundreds of dollars per year on pet products, especially if you are limited to purchasing some of these products at the veterinarians office, like prescription food and some medications.  Needless to say saving money in the pet department is probably at the top of your list. I recently purchased from Mr.Chewy.com, a website that truly delivers pet happiness!  My dog needs to have a prescription dry food that up until recently I thought I could only find at my vet's office (and it's not cheap).  Well since Mr.Chewy offers over 100 brands including new and high demand items, I gave it a try.  I have never been more pleasantly surprised with the variety, followed by the prices! Not only did I find the food I need, it was cheaper than buying it at the vet's.  Then to my surprise during the checkout process, I found out ...

Top 21 Funniest Dog Names

Did you ever want to give your dog a name that will make not just you but everyone you tell it to laugh?  Dogs can have just about any name in the world; some are named after places or colors, others are named after memories or even baked goods...you see where I'm going with this. After much searching followed by sorting through feedback from our readers, here's a list of (what we think are) some of the funniest names for dogs! 21. Gobler 20. Meatball 19. Jabbers 18. Nosykins 17. Holly Hobbles 16. Grumpus Maximus 15. Mr. Pants 14. Gravy 13. Fuzzbucket 12. Marco Polo 11. Biggie Smalls Top 18 Most Unique Dog Names 10. Doozer 9. Flearoy 8. Burrito 7. Goofus 6. Tagalong 5. Porkchop 4. Puddles A. Lot 3. Mama Puddles 2. Crunch E. 1. Git-er-don