hero dog awards

Vote For 2013 Hero Dog Awards

  Cast your vote for the 2013 American Hero Dog. 2013 will be the third annual American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards. Any dog can...
dog euthanasia

Alternatives to Dog Euthanasia

  This was inspired by a true story with an unhappy ending. It began with a simple question to a neighbor in my building: “How’s your...
toxic foods for dogs

Six Toxic Foods For Dogs

As a pet owner, you wouldn’t intentionally feed poisonous food to your dog. Almost every dog owner could tell you to keep the Halloween...
ray charles

Meet Ray Charles: a Bruins Loving Blind Puppy

He may not play the piano, but Ray Charles the golden retriever has found fame of a different sort. He was born in December...
pet insurance

Considerations and Tips on Pet Insurance

From the first time we lay eyes on them as kittens, puppies, or whatever size and shape they came in, our pets tug at...
banfield pet hospital

Banfield: A Pet Hospital Horror

If you have a few hours to spare, check out the Banfield Pet Hospital page on the Consumer Affairs website. Seriously, we’re talking hours...

How to Exercise With Your Dog

  Summertime is the perfect time to start a new exercise routine. It is recommended that adults take at least 30 minutes of exercise every...
dog tattoo

Dog Tattoos – Cruel or Cool?

Ernesto Rodriguez of Stokes County North Carolina, who owns a tattoo parlor in Pilot Mountain, created quite an uproar on Facebook recently when he...

How to Control Your Pet’s Allergies

You may suffer from allergies. Heck, you may suffer from allergies because of your pet. But have you ever stopped to wonder if your...
animal cruelty

How to Report Animal Abuse

  Animal abuse happens quietly. Dogs, cats, horses, and more are tortured,neglected and physically harmed by their owners each day. The commercials of the ASPCA...