16 Ways to Keep Pets Cool

The hottest months of the year can be a miserable time for your pets, especially cats and dogs, whether they are inside or outside...

13-Year-Old Boy Invents Line of Dog Toys

Houston, TX - Leave it to a 13 year old boy to come up with a unique line of dog toys to prove he...

Glow-In-The-Dark Cats Provide Insight to AIDS Research

A special group of cats have helped researchers make significant strides in AIDS research, due to their ability to glow in the dark.  Yes,...

6 Best Types of Cat Litter

Unless your cat is toilet trained, cat litter is a necessity, but with all of the different kinds available, how do you decide which...
archaeology dog

Migaloo is the World’s First Archaeology Dog

There are over 200 million more olfactory receptors in a dog’s nose than a human’s. Dogs have been trained to locate everything from drugs...

Train Your Dog to Share Your Bed, Not Hog It

Are you one of the millions of dog owners who share your bed with your furry friend?  I use the term "share" loosely because...

Pink Kitten Will Stay That Way For At Least A Few Months

After being abandoned by their mom in a concrete factory in Redruth, a group of four kittens, only four weeks old, were luckily found and...

5 Most Common Health Illnesses in Cats and Dogs – And Prevention

So many pets are plagued by a variety of health issues that their owners could have prevented if they were more knowledgeable about what...
dog driving car

Driving Dogs Are Taking Over the World

Imagine driving down the highway, glancing over at the car in the lane next to you and seeing a dog driving the car –...

Non-Profit Takes “Dogged” Approach to Job Training for Youth With Disabilities

Austin, TX - Even in times of low unemployment, persons with disabilities are among those least likely to be hired, often for the lack...