13-Year-Old Boy Invents Line of Dog Toys

Cole Amyx, inventor of Slobber Dog Toys - Picture from his website, www.slobberdogtoys.com

Houston, TX – Leave it to a 13 year old boy to come up with a unique line of dog toys to prove he is a true entrepreneur.  Even better, he was only eight years old when he first came up with his idea!  The young man’s name is Cole Amyx and he is most popular in his Houston neighborhood for making dog toys for his friends and neighbors pets in the community.  His signature invention involves the use of a tennis ball, a drill press, and other surprising elements.

Not only is Cole showing his smarts at a young age, he is also exhibiting his cost conscience side.  “We were buying toys so I’m like, ‘Hey, we can make our own,'” Amyx said, and that’s how it started.  He says the idea just came to him one day after having a conversation with his mom about how expensive pet toys can be.

Cole has dubbed his invention the “Slobber Dog Toy”, using a tennis ball, drill press, a few strips of fleece, and a couple of good knots.  Once he realized that he had invented a really good, and inexpensive, toy for dogs, he started selling them at dog parks.  This led him to street fairs, and eventually, the Slobber Dog Toys by Cole website was born.

This line of dog toys by Cole is non-toxic, come in two different sizes, and many different colors.  They can also be customized with the colors for your school, work, church or your pet’s favorite color!  A portion of each and every Slobber Dog Toy purchase is donated to help the animal shelters around Houston, specifically the SPCA, CAPS, BARC and the Homeless Animal Protection Society.

“My parents always taught me that God put us here to help take care of the animals.  I thought if people bought the toys, I could give part of the money to help animals that didn’t have a home.  I knew I had to be brave and not be afraid when I would walk up to people at the dog parks and ask them to buy my dog toys.  It wasn’t easy, walking around with my wagon explaining that I was selling dog toys and that $1 from every sale would go to help homeless animals.  But I knew if I was going to help animals, I had to be brave and not care what people thought about me”, says Cole.

You can read more about Cole and the why behind his inventing the Slobber Dog Toy on his website, and while you’re there, why not pick up a toy or two for your furry friend?


  1. […] 13-Year-Old Boy Invents Line of Dog Toys It wasn't easy, walking around with my wagon explaining that I was selling dog toys and that $ 1 from every sale would go to help homeless animals. But I knew if I was going to help animals, I had to be brave and not care what people thought about me”, … Read more on All Pet News (blog) […]

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