Top 5 Easy Going Dog Breeds


Depending on the lifestyle you lead, or want to lead, including a dog could be tricky.  There are many reasons why a laid back, easy going dog breed may be best for your family, household, living situation, among other factors.  Every dog will have its own temperament regardless of their breed, but some breeds are more well known to have certain traits, or lack thereof.

A particular environment, training used, upbringing, and owner behaviors will contribute to the easy going nature of the dog you’ve chosen to include in your life, but there are a few breeds that are better suited than others to an easy going lifestyle.

Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu dog breed is one of the more laid back pets you can own, mainly due to their overall nature of responding well to training, getting along with people and other dogs easily, and eagerness to play and please.  Keep in mind though that this breed can develop what is referred to as small-dog syndrome if you do not establish from the beginning who’s boss.

A typically very small breed, Chihuahua’s love to receive affection and attention, as well as give it.  They make great companion dogs because of their easy going nature, responding well to patient training and proper human leadership, and are not as prone to the large variety of medical issues other dog breeds are.

The Pekingese is a small, well-balanced, compact dog that is generally thought to be a laid back addition to any family.  They are independent, sensitive, and extremely affectionate, as well as a great companion dog and watch dog.  One tip to keep in mind with this dog breed is that feeding them table scraps will have them refusing their own food quickly!

Although this dog breed can range in weight from 100 – 135 pounds, the Bullmastiff is one of the more well known easy going pets.  They are born with a generally good natured temperament, are affectionate, and are one of the dogs best suited for children.  It is important to send them to obedience training early in life, and do require daily walking to get their exercise in.

The Bulldog is considered a small to medium sized breed, and although they can offer up a fair amount of drool, are fairly laid back dogs.  Among the gentlest of dog breeds, they are also affectionate and dependable, and do well with young children.  They absolutely love to receive attention, but again make sure you do not allow them to develop small-dog syndrome.