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Improve Your Older Dog’s Life With These Tips

As your dog get older, things happen inside of his body that can cause pain, discomfort, and potty troubles just to name a few.  Just as in humans, an aging body needs extra TLC to make getting older less painful and more enjoyable. There are things you can do as a pet owner to ensure that your aging or senior dog is happy and healthy. 1. Keep regular vet visits on your schedule and make sure your dog has up-to-date vaccinations. 2. Exercise is key for older dogs.  Make sure that a walk or even a few trips up and down the stairs are part of their everyday routine. 3. Purchase products specifically designed for the aging or senior dog. 4. Make sure you are feeding your aging dog food that is appropriate for his age and health. 5. Joint supplements can make a significant difference in an older dogs comfort when moving around. 6. Fish Oil ...

Cancer Patient Receives 3,000 Cats

There's nothing worse than finding out you have cancer, unless you're a child and have to be in isolation in a hospital.  That's the life that Maga Barzallo Sockemtickem currently finds herself in.  Maga is only 16 years old and is a cancer patient in Seattle Children's Hospital.  She has been confined to her hospital room for almost a month now, separated from her family and friends, while undergoing post-bone marrow transplant treatment.  Her family includes her cat, Merry, who she misses terribly and would give anything to see. According to the hospital's On The Pulse blog, Maga has spent more than seven months at Children’s in 2011 waiting for a compatible bone marrow donor.  Now that she has finally undergone the transplant, she has to remain in the oncology unit in isolation to prevent risks to her immune system. In an effort to reduce the emotional pain Maga was feeling from ...

NJ Says No to Emotional Distress Compensation over Death of a Pet

The Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled Tuesday that claims for emotional distress over the violent death of a family pet is not valid. While the Court does recognize that there is a strong bond between many pet owners and their animals it is not the same as watching a human family member die violently. The ruling stemmed from a case involving Joyce McDougall’s 9-year-old Maltese poodle mix, Angel, which was mauled by a bigger mixed breed dog while being walked through their neighborhood in Morris Plains New Jersey, in 2007. McDougall filed a lawsuit against the other dogs owner Charlot Lamm for compensatory damages and emotional distress after seeing her dog violently killed. A lower court ruled that McDougall be compensated for the loss of her dog and was awarded five times what a new puppy would cost to replace Angel. While this may seem fair, how do you put a ...

Wrong Size Treats and Toys Could be Fatal

Many pet owners would never even think about the size of the treat or toy they are buying for their pet or that they could be fatal if they become logged inside. Any toy or treat that can be swallowed in one gulp should be avoided.  It is estimated that Americans will spend over $52 million dollars on their pets in 2012.Of that, many dollars will go towards treats, snacks and toys for our pets to enjoy. Picking the wrong ones could be hazardous to the animal. "Make sure you don't give your pet anything to play with that's small enough for them to swallow" said Dr. Kyle Kerstetter, Chief of Surgery at Michigan Veterinary Specialists,  "Another piece of advice would be, keep track of your dog's toys- don't just assume if one goes missing that its lost behind the couch or something." Sometimes pets can get an internal obstruction from objects ...

Pets of Olympic Athletes

Some of the most celebrated athletes in this year’s Olympic completion in London England enjoy the companionship of their pets. It’s hard to workout day in and day out in preparation for one of the most difficult competitions in the world without the unconditional love and support that a pet can provide. Many athletes are drawn to their pets for reasons that are as unique as they are. Ryan Lochte has recently won gold at these Olympics in swimming and has enjoyed the company of his Doberman named Carter. His dog’s name is derived from Lochte’s love of rap music and the artist Dawyne Michael Carter, Jr. or Lil’ Wayne as his more commonly known. American diver Christine Loukas enjoys cardio workouts with her black Labrador Kona. Though her dog is not a good diver, he does tend to excel during their runs together. “She is a much better runner than me, ...

Animal Shelter for Pets of Domestic Violence Coming Soon

Orlando, FL - A much anticipated shelter will be opening in a few months to house pets that are victims of their owner's domestic violence disputes.  It will be called Paws for Peace Kennel and it's the first of its kind in Central Florida.  In fact, there are only a few animal shelters designed for this purpose across the United States. Paws for Peace Kennel at Harbor House is currently under construction with an expected completion date of October 3rd.  It will also include a donation center that will house items for residents of the emergency shelter. "This is a huge day.  This has been many years in the planning.  We're very excited.  We're planning our ribbon cutting for Oct. 3, and we're just bringing people in for a sneak peek so they can see how it's coming along and show them our vision," said Harbor House CEO Carol Wick. Why a Paws ...

6 Ways to Prevent Dog Sunburn

Extreme heat and the sun's rays are just as dangerous to dogs as humans, but there are ways you can prevent the sun from causing damaging and long-lasting effects.  Dogs are at risk for getting types of skin cancer from prolonged exposure to the sun or extreme sunburn, as well as skin ulcerations and autoimmune skin conditions. Certain dog breeds are more at risk than others, including lighter color dogs with short hair like the Boxer, Dalmation, Pitbull, and Greyhound.  Dogs can get sunburned anywhere they are pink.  Think of it as where human skin is exposed.  Dogs bellies, around their nose, ears, even the pads of their paws can be susceptible to sunburn. Ways to Prevent Your Dog From Getting Sunburn Keep dogs indoors during the peak sun hours between 10 am - 3 pm. Put protective clothing on the dog (there are a variety of products on the market for this very ...

Grant Allows Therapy Dogs to Teach Social Skills to Children

The Planet Dog Foundation (PDF) has awarded a grant to The Austin Dog Alliance that will help fund its work helping children and young adults with developmental disabilities and providing handler-dog teams to local hospitals, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes, as well as schools and libraries. The $3500 grant will allow The Austin Dog Alliance to continue its work using therapy dogs to teach social skills to youth on the autism spectrum, among other programs. The Austin Dog Alliance is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides unique group social skills development programs for children with autism spectrum disorder that incorporates the use of therapy dogs.  Their mission is to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families through programs that incorporate the powerful connection between humans and dogs. "Austin Dog Alliance is thrilled that the Planet Dog Foundation is supporting our work," says Debi Krakar, Alliance Executive Director. "This comes at an ...

What Does Our Choice of Pets Say About Us

Cats and Dogs: It’s an ancient rivalry that has been reflected in culture, media, and even arguments with friends. Discussing the nature of being a cat or dog lover can be a surprisingly controversial topic. In fact, there is evidence that your preference in pets hints more at a person’s psychology and personality than one would typically think. A University of Texas psychologist by the name of Sam Gosling, along with graduate student Carson Sandy, recently did a study comparing cat and dog people. The pair used 4,565 individuals for research. First they were asked whether they were team cat, team dog, or both. Next, a 44 question test was given to measure the subjects on the Big Five personality dimensions that are often used in analyzing psychology. Gosling summarized the results of the experiment with the following: "There is a widely held cultural belief that the pet species -- dog or ...

Beware of Bed Bugs When Travelling with Pets

Its summer time and many of us hit the road for some rest and relaxation. Of course we want to take our pets along and many of us may never have considered bed bugs to be a problem for our pets. With animals, bed bugs can be just as much of a pest as with humans and your pet could bring the critters home with them. “July, August and September are definitely busier than the rest of the year and we've seen that trend from every corner of the country," says Jeffery White, a research entomologist with BedBug Central, “Dogs, cats, birds, guinea pigs. Any pet, for instance, could be a food source for a bed bug," says White. Bed bugs have a history of attacking warm-blooded animals and enjoy feeding on areas with limited fur. That is why humans make a perfect target but our pets also have areas of their ...