Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dog Poop to Get DNA Tested to Find Irresponsible Owners

Jupiter, FL - Residents of a condominium complex in Jupiter, Fl will soon have to be more responsible about picking up after their dog goes...

Dogs Allowed at 1 in 5 Work Places in the U.S.

National 'take your dog to work day' is June 24 this year, bringing with it the chance to liven up the work place with man's...

Pink Kitten Will Stay That Way For At Least A Few Months

After being abandoned by their mom in a concrete factory in Redruth, a group of four kittens, only four weeks old, were luckily found and...

Large Husky Mix is Perpetrator in Animal Shelter Break-in

Fairbanks, AK - One of the strangest break-ins in Alaskan history has hit the news Wednesday morning.  The perpetrator?  A large black, tan and...

Cat Superstitions From Around the World

Why is it that because today is Friday the 13th, that people are genuinely more concerned about a black cat crossing their path?  One...

Hank, The Newest Piglet to Become a Member of a Celebrity Family

When trying to decide what would make the best pet for either you or your family, I'll bet your first thought is either a...

Do You and Your Dog Have Matching Outfits?

Elwood, IL - Anyone who can answer yes to the question, "do you and your dog have matching outfits?" will be excited to learn...

Do Dogs Recognize Owners Faces? Study Reveals Truth

It has officially been proven that dogs do in fact recognize their owners faces, as well as facial expressions, revealed in a study led by Paolo Mongillo...

Charity Pet Parade Complete With Yappy Hour – It’s a Dog’s Day

Have you ever wanted to show off your dog but felt it may cause people to stare and point - in a not so...

The Pug Dog Breed: Funniest Pug Video Clips

The Pug Dog Breed is one of the most sought after pets, simply due to their cute faces, squat bodies, and fun-loving nature.  They...