camping with dogs

Five Tips for Camping with Dogs

Camping season is here. Whether you’re an extreme adventurer hiking the Appalachian Trail or a city escapist relaxing at a campground, camping with a...
urinary tract

Feline Urinary Tract Disease: A Common Problem With Natural Remedies

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in felines, with urethral obstruction more common in males than...

Breed Basics: Pugs

The Pug is known for his clownish demeanour and is a natural jester. Although his origins are not clear, pugs were kept in many...
ray charles

Meet Ray Charles: a Bruins Loving Blind Puppy

He may not play the piano, but Ray Charles the golden retriever has found fame of a different sort. He was born in December...
glow in the dark

The Strange and Amazing World of Glow in the Dark Sea Life

We love our glow in the dark stuff don’t we? Whether it be glow in the dark markers, clothing, ceiling stars, or - in college...
dog psychology

Dog Psychology: Is It Real?

Dog psychology is a relatively new field that has many supporters and just as many who feel it is a fraud. The American Psychological...

6 Common People Foods That Can Kill Your Dog

While many human foods are not only safe for dogs to eat but can also be quite healthy for them, there are many things...
ear cropping

Ear Cropping & Tail Docking: Is It Necessary?

  Both ear cropping and tail docking, along with removal of dew claws, began as a practice to protect the dog while he was doing...
pet food

Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Pet Food

With all of the pet food recalls that have occurred over the last few years, it has never been more important to be an...
dog walker

America’s First Pro Dog Walker Dies

Anyone who’s been to NYC will notice that, despite it seeming like anything but a dog’s paradise, many dogs walk along city streets, and...