Wednesday, February 12, 2025
kosher animals

Israeli Company Sued Over Cruelty to Kosher Animals

This is when kosher is anything but. Israeli-based Adom Adom (very red) is a top quality brand of beef, that is supplied its beef from,...
feral vs domestic cats

Domestic Cats in U.S. Responsible for Bird Deaths?

The feline’s sharp hunting instinct made them an invaluable companion animal for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians even revered them as gods. They...
food allergies

Food Allergies in Cats and Dogs

No fleas, cuts, scrapes or signs of infection—so what in the world is making your pet scratch so much? The answer could be food...
ag-gag laws

Ag-Gag Laws Almost Lead to a Prosecution in Utah

First Ag-Gag Prosecution Almost Comes to Fruition in Utah Amy Meyer was driving by the Dale Smith Meatpacking Company slaughterhouse in Utah when she decided...

Meet Breeze: An Orphaned Foal

Devon, England’s Mare and Foal Sanctuary has a new resident. Found a few hours after his birth trying to nurse from other mares, Breeze...

Top Five Most Dog Friendly Cities in the US

Forget about school districts, weather, food and location. When it comes to measuring a city’s true worth, we all know what’s top dog …...

How to Prepare Your Pets for Cicada-pocalypse

These 17-year-olds are itching to party. And their parties are attended by some pretty large crowds. Try in the tens of billions. Brood II...
underwater photography

Underwater Photography and Animals

  Anyone who has ever been snorkeling or scuba diving can tell you that there is a whole other world under the surface of the...
laser toys for cats

Laser Toys for Cats: Are They Harmful?

Laser toys for cats and kittens have been around for quite awhile now but their use remains controversial among cat behaviorists and veterinarians. While...

Do Fish Feel Pain?

As a vegetarian, I’m often confronted with this: “Ah, but you eat fish, right?” The answer is no (at least currently), but my questioner’s...