
How to Prepare Your Pets for Cicada-pocalypse

These 17-year-olds are itching to party. And their parties are attended by some pretty large crowds. Try in the tens of billions. Brood II...
kosher animals

Israeli Company Sued Over Cruelty to Kosher Animals

This is when kosher is anything but. Israeli-based Adom Adom (very red) is a top quality brand of beef, that is supplied its beef from,...
dog bite prevention

Ten Things to Know about Dog Bite Prevention Week

“Don’t touch him while he’s eating!” Parents tell kids this every day when they bend down to pet a family pet during evening chow....
activities for dogs

Summer Activities For Dogs

Summertime brings with it a list of potential outdoor activities for you and your dog. But for every fun activity you have planned, you...
ear cropping

Ear Cropping & Tail Docking: Is It Necessary?

  Both ear cropping and tail docking, along with removal of dew claws, began as a practice to protect the dog while he was doing...
dog scootering

Dog Scootering: What Is It and Is It Right for Your Dog?

Does your dog drag you down the street? Does it sometimes feel like your arm will be pulled out of the socket because he...
dog breeds for running

Top 5 Dog Breeds for Running

It is always more fun to have company on a run. Particularly company that doesn’t need to be talked to if you don’t feel...
pet apps

Top 5 Pet Apps

  Find a lost dog. Teach a dog to stop barking when you are at work. Ease your mind when you bring your pet on...
mike tyson

Mike Tyson’s Ex Girlfriend Cooked and Ate His Pigeon

Mike Tyson has eaten ear before (at the expense of Evander Holyfield) but at least he’s never eat pigeon. His ex-girlfriend, on the other...
prosthetic limbs

Prosthetic Limbs for Animals: How Does it Work?

While many pets can manage remarkably well with only three limbs, losing more than one limb tends to pose a much more significant problem....