Top 10 Best Foods to Feed Your Dog

Choosing the kind of food to feed your dog can be just as challenging as choosing the dog in the first place!  Over the...

A Possible Answer To Reducing Stray Pets

For the family who has lost a pet, the idea of their furry loved one being captured and summarily executed by animal control is...

7 Tips to Stop Your Cat From Scratching Furniture

When you find rips and tears on your furniture and you know your cat is to blame, don't be too rough on him because...

Smart (But Weird) Puppy Proofing

The world is full of products meant for dogs, whether the product is meant to provide safety, fun, or medical attention.  This newest puppy...

Crating Puppy The Right Way

It can be a heartbreaking sound to hear your new puppy crying and whining from his crate, even though the training is for his...

A Vet’s Opinion About Pet Health Insurance

The idea of paying for pet health insurance can seem to some like a waste of money, or even just a way get you...
pet wedding

Pet Wedding Planning… Is This a Real Service?

Pet wedding planning is now available at Get recommendations on 5 star Kennelmoons, pet friendly venues, and advice on where to shop for...

Pets Able to Get Vaccines at Walgreens

The idea to provide pet vaccines, like rabies shots, at local pharmacies like Walgreens and pet stores came from the convenience of humans being able to...

Pet Rats Hit New York Social Scene

New York City - New York City is known to be home to many wild rats and in fact ridding the city of wild...

5 Best Hunting Dog Breeds

Every hunter knows how important it is to have a helper with him, whether the hunt is for fox, birds, rabbits, ducks, or other...