A Possible Answer To Reducing Stray Pets

(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)

For the family who has lost a pet, the idea of their furry loved one being captured and summarily executed by animal control is a nightmare indeed. Some pets escape purely by accident, while others continually find ways to escape into the great outdoors. Either way, in many cities around the country animal control can swiftly capture an animal, and you may never be notified, even when they are properly licensed.

For most families, making sure the family pet is protected is something they long to have more control over. Pets that provide a challenge to keeping them at home where they should be need an additional method of watchful care. Many veterinarians and pet shelters recommend that owners invest in a pet GPS system. Such systems, like Loc8tor are easily attached to the pet’s collar, and make tracking them extremely easy. No more waiting for Fido to come home, you can actively track and locate him with your computer. Some systems even allow you to track your lost pet with your smartphone. Many will also send you a text message or email when your pet has left their approved range and also tell you where they are at that moment.

While these systems may seem pricey ($99 or more) the added security of knowing that you can easily track your pet at a moments notice is a huge benefit, far outweighing the cost.

Some things to consider when evaluating systems, is the battery life of your pet’s collar device, the accuracy of the system’s maps, and the actual range the system claims to track. When choosing one favor the system with the best range. Then choose one with the most accurate mapping. You can always create a schedule of when to change the batteries of the device, much like you schedule the batteries in your smoke detector.

Which ever you choose, make sure to check that it is working properly every so often, and replace it if you are unhappy with it’s performance.


  1. I know in New Jersey we had a good record of taking care of our animals. Now since the new Govenor came in, there is talk that they won’t even keep these owned animals for 7 days. But we still have no-kill facilities, and I donate to only them. I can’t understand the hatred of these animals, except it must come from the Parents. Spray and neuter, it’s easy, there are places in New Jersey for low cost. I will tweet them to you if that helps. Thanks for taking care of our animals. I have on one rescue cat (only allowed one) from a feral mother, who was taken to the vet for checkup, sprayed, shots and sent free, because she could not be domesticated, But she’s fine.

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