Smart (But Weird) Puppy Proofing


The world is full of products meant for dogs, whether the product is meant to provide safety, fun, or medical attention.  This newest puppy product we’ve come across definitely falls into the weird category, but not for any other reason than the way it looks!  Ever hear of Puppy Bumpers?  This product is like an overstuffed collar, but don’t let it’s way of making your puppy stand out turn you away – this product was designed to provide a safety feature that will be helpful to so many pet owners.

Picture your puppy or small dog wandering out onto your fifth story balcony of your apartment where the only thing separating him from the ground below is the typical prison-like bar fencing.  Wouldn’t you feel better if your puppy had a safety feature around its neck that kept him from being able to squeeze through the openings and falling to the ground?  Introducing Puppy Bumpers, the way to keep your dogs on the safe side of the fence!

Puppy Bumpers are stuffed pillow collars that attach right to the collar your dog already wears.  This product isn’t just for puppies, but for any small dog that can fit through or under a fence.

The idea for Puppy Bumbers was discovered by Ann Price in 2008, when she was desperately trying to keep her dogs on the safe side of the fence.  One day her dog had on a swimming vest and couldn’t manage to squeeze herself through the opening.  It dawned on Price that if her dogs had a fat collar, they would be prevented from getting through.

Since her invention, puppy bumbers has been featured and awarded with praise from Dog Fancy Magazine, where Puppy Bumbers received the Editor’s Choice Award, as well as being featured on Good Morning America, Fox’s Morning Show, and are now available in several national catalogs.

What a great way to keep dogs safe and alleviate some of the worry pet owners have when it comes to letting their furry friends outside!


  1. […] Smart (But Weird) Puppy ProofingAll Pet News (blog)This newest puppy product we've come across definitely falls into the weird category, but not for any other reason than the way it looks! Ever hear of Puppy Bumpers? This product is like an overstuffed collar, but don't let it's way of making your …Ease dog fears with puppy training nowPetoskey News-Reviewall 2 news articles » […]

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