Pets and Fireworks Don’t Mix; Safety Tips


The sounds of fireworks can be terrifying to pets because of their increased capacity for hearing.  In fact, it has been reported that dogs have literally been scared to death, and that is not the way you want to end your holiday.  Both dogs and cats rely on us as their owners to keep them safe.  Fireworks not only pose a threat to their ears, but to their overall sense of well being and behavior characteristics.

When pets are scared in a way they’ve never been before, you run the risk of altering their behavior.  What was once a laid back dog can become nervous and stricken with anxiety at the near sight of the object that scared them in the first place.

Avoid potential problems this firework friendly holiday by keeping these tips in mind:

  • Do  not bring your pets to the local field to watch the fireworks with you, as this is the reason why so many pets go missing.  They hear the noises, you are distracted, and the next thing you know, they are gone.
  • Put pets indoors and close the windows.  Closing the windows will at least soften the sound that is so much louder to them than it is to us.
  • While they are indoors, provide a comfortable place for them to retreat to.  Many pets prefer small, enclosed spaces like under chairs or beds.
  • Be proactive – make sure your pets have a collar with the proper identification just in case he or she gets away from you.  While it is never a pet owners intention to let something happen to any member of the family, it is important to take precautions.
  • Do not chain your dog, as he might get tangled up or even accidentally strangled.
  • It could be beneficial to your pet to give them something to keep them calm, like Benadryl, however it is necessary to check with your veterinarian first.
  • Give them something fun to keep them occupied like a toy that hides treats.

Keep your holiday safe for both you and your pets and remember that fireworks and pets don’t mix!


  1. […] Fireworks might be fun for you, but they’re a nightmare for a pet’s sensitive ears. Keep your pets in the quietest room of the house. Close windows and turn on something that will overpower the noise, like TV or music. For more tips on how to keep pets from being frightened by fireworks, check out this article. […]

  2. […] Fireworks might be fun for you, but they’re a nightmare for a pet’s sensitive ears. Keep your pets in the quietest room of the house. Close windows and turn on something that will overpower the noise, like TV or music. For more tips on how to keep pets from being frightened by fireworks, check out this article. […]

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