Allergies are just as irritating and cumbersome for dogs as they are for humans, and account for almost 25 percent of veterinary visits. There are a variety of dog allergies, some more common than others, each with their own way of treating the symptoms and relieving the dog of the ailment. Dog allergies normally start when the dog is between the ages of one and three, however, there are a few cases where dog allergies can start as late as six to eight years. Environmental Allergies The most common form of allergies that plague so many dogs is also the same most common allergy with humans - environmental allergies, or atopy. From pollen and grass to dust mites and other airborne factors, environmental allergies can be seasonal or chronic. Symptoms include itching, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and lesions on the skin, and can be mild to quite severe. If you notice any of these symptoms, call ...