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Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe on Valentine’s Day

Every special occasion that has humans doing things out of the everyday ordinary poses a threat to pets if we don't take precautions and pay close attention to keeping them safe.  Valentine's Day is one of those occasions.  Because this holiday is famous for lots of chocolate, candles, and flowers, just to name a few things, veterinarians find this time of year to be among the times they see an increase in unplanned visits. Both dogs and cats are very curious when it comes to things that are not part of their daily lives.  If things that can harm them are left accessible, you could end up in the vets office instead of celebrating the most romantic time of year!  Here are tips to keep them safe and you enjoying Valentine's Day: 1. Chocolate is the most popular Valentine's Day gift, from boxes of it to things dipped in it, but it ...

Hilarious Pet Wishes For 2012

Pets have a way of making humans laugh, feel light at heart, and make us wonder what is going on in their mind!  We came across these funny pet photos complete with a storyline in an email and couldn't help but share it.  Whether you are having a good day, a bad day, or a day you are just relaxing, this article is sure to have you laughing out loud!  The best part is that dogs, cats and other animals don't even know when they are making humans laugh! Here are our pets wishes for humans for 2012! May you ALWAYS make the right move May your cup runneth over with love May you always find shelter from any storm May you remain good looking and looking good May you find the perfect diet for your body and your soul May you find perfect balance in the company you keep May you have ...

Should You Give Your Cat Dry Food or Wet Food?

When it comes to giving your cat the very best, how do you know if you are making the right food choices?  There is such a wide variety of both dry foods and wet foods that it can be daunting to decide how to best nourish your feline friend.  There are reasons why dry food may be the answer for your cat and for others wet food could be the best choice.  There are factors you must consider before deciding on wet or dry food, including the cats weight, temperament, any health problems, and even if the pet needs to be on a "diet". As a general rule, wet food will provide cats with the proper nutrition for their dietary needs because of fish or meat being the primary ingredient.  Cats need the amino acid taurine, which is found primarily in the muscle meat of animals.  Wet cat food generally has ...

Top 5 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

With the literally hundreds of dog breeds, how do you determine which ones are the most expensive?  The list can actually change over time based on a few factors, the most important being which celebrity owns what dog breed.  For example, when Paris Hilton got her Chihuahua, the breed climbed the chart for most expensive.  Other factors include supply and demand, meaning if the breed is rare and is sought after, the cost increases, as well as if the breed is for show.  If the breed is the offspring of a prize winning dog, its cost will also increase. Top 5 Most Expensive Dog Breeds 5. Chow Chow The Chow Chow dog breed is known for its distinct blue-black tongue and hindlegs which are almost straight.  With its lion-like mane, it is also one of the most beautiful breeds.  This breed of dogs is very dominant so they need a dominant owner who ...

How To Clear Cloudy Water in Fish Tanks

Over time the water in your fresh water fish tank can become foggy or cloudy, making it difficult to see your colorful swimmers.  There are a variety of things that cause cloudy water and once you determine the cause you can work on clearing it up. One of the first things to consider if the water has become cloudy is the stones you are using.  If you just set up your tank or just replaced the stones, they could have been dusty from the inside of the bag.  If you didn't rinse them before you put them in the tank, the water could have stirred up the dust.  To find out if this is the cause, remove everything from the tank, rinse everything in hot water, then set the tank back up.  Wait about an hour and if the water is still clear then the stones were the problem. Another reason why ...

Tips For Calming an Anxious Pet

global fear in dogs

All pets will become anxious or stressed out at some point in their lives for a variety of different reasons.  Maybe you are moving or you've introduced a new pet to the household.  Maybe a new member of the family was born or you are throwing a large party at your home.  It could even happen because it's a holiday and there are many new faces around.  Whatever the reason for your pet becoming anxious, there are ways you can help to lessen the effects of the stress and keep your pet calm. 1. First and foremost the best thing you can do to keep your pets nerves at bay is to try to keep as much of their normal routine intact as possible.  Both cats and dogs are creatures of habit and will benefit by adhering to their schedule. 2. Have soft noise in the background such as music playing or ...

Top 10 Reasons to Partake in National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Who knew there was a national dress up your pet day?  Well if you didn't, you know now that there is!  It's January 14th and PetMD has put together the top 10 reasons why you should dress up your pet, both cats and dogs.  Their list was too good not to share, so we want to say thanks to PedMD and we hope you enjoy these reasons! Top 10 Reasons to Dress up Your Pet 1. Clothes Can Show Off Your Pet's Personality: People use clothes to show off their personality, why shouldn't your pet? 2. You Wear Clothes, Your Pet Wants To, Too: Does your pet follow you around?  Want to sit on the couch when you sit on the couch?  Go outside when he sees you heading to the door?  It is safe to say then that anything you do, your pet will want to do as well.  And we think ...

3 Most Common Viral Infectious Diseases Found in Cats

The most important part of pet ownership is preparing yourself with as much information as possible in order to keep them safe and free from harm.  There are a variety of health problems that cats can face, some more common than others.  Knowing what the most common problems are will help you to prevent them and allow your cat to live as long a life as possible. Here are three of the most common viral infectious diseases found in cats, complete with preventative measures you can take to ensure a healthy pet. 1. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) FIV is a virus that attacks a cat's immune system, causing the cat to be less able to fight off infections; in fact it is similar to HIV in humans.  Approximately 2-5% of healthy cats in the United States are infected with FIV, affecting as much as 24% of outdoor cats.  FIV is spread from cat to ...

101 Things You Didn’t Know Could Harm Your Pet

It can be a challenge to make sure your pet is safe one hundred percent of the time, whether you are physically with them or not.  The ASPCA has put together a guide that can help by making you aware of some of the more common dangers, as well as some hazards you may not have even considered.  These 101 things could harm dogs and cats by causing choking, burns, or other serious injuries.     Harmful Foods Chocolate Gum and Candy Grapes Raisins Macadamia nuts Avocados Onions Garlic Salt Tea leaves Coffee Alcohol Raw yeast dough Spoiled foods Fatty foods Household Items Ibuprofen and asprin Acetaminophen Cold and flu medications Antidepressants Vitamins Diet Pills Anti-cancer drugs Tobacco products Detergents Fabric softener Drain cleaners Oven cleaner sprays Disinfectants Bleach Lime/scale remover Paint thinners Lighter fluid Insecticides Flea and tick products (if not used properly) Rodent bait Mothballs Fly bait Lead Liquid potpourri Objects Balls Sharp objects Coins Buttons Batteries Twist ties Rubber bands Cotton swabs Glass Hair pins Jewelry Nylons Paper clips Plastic wrap String and yarn Dental floss Electrical cords Wax Socks Towels Trouble Areas Doors and Windows Balconies Bathtubs and sinks Toilets Washer and dryer Fireplaces Pet Safety Outside the Home Algae Antifreeze/Coolant Fire pit/Grill Fences of gates Deck lattice De-icing salts Compost (especially if moldy) Gasoline Oil Pesticides Fertilizer Pools and hot tubs Common Dangerous Plants Aloe Amaryllis Andromeda Japonica Asian Lily Asparagus Fern Australian Nut Autumn Crocus Azalea Belladonna Bird of Paradise Bittersweet Black ...

Dog Abandoned on Highway Rescued by Carrie Underwood

It's always a good day when you find out that a celebrity, especially one as well known as Carrie Underwood, has a place in her heart for an animal that is clearly suffering.  Over the holiday's Underwood rescued an abandoned dog from a highway and immediately took him to a veterinarian to be taken care of.  Carrie Underwood, a popular country singer, explained the story in her blog which she writes to keep her fans informed of her comings and goings. Carrie Underwood had been visiting her parents in her home town of Oklahoma over the holidays.  While Underwood and her two dogs, Ace and Penny, were traveling along an interstate highway between Oklahoma and Tennessee, she noticed two dogs that were clearly abandoned on the side of the road.  Being the kind hearted person she is, it took all of a minute to pull over and tend to them. Unfortunately one ...