Like most newly created holidays, there needs to be momentum built before it can really take-off. For instance, the makers at Beneful Baked Delights have selected April 10th as “Hug Your Dog Day”. This date is also “National Pet Day” and “ASPCA Day”. There are others vying to be recognized on this date as well like those wishing to claim it as “Golfers Day” or “National Cinnamon Crescent Day”. No offense to these other groups, but it looks like this day truly belongs to pets and those who love them. To help Beneful kick-off the celebration, comedian Eric Stonestreet put together a video sharing a few of his favorite types of hugs with his dog Coleman Hawkins. I think this video will be start of a great national tradition in celebration of “Hug Your Dog Day”. Who knows, in time we may all get the day off from work to celebrate ...