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Dogs Get Their Own Holiday

Like most newly created holidays, there needs to be momentum built before it can really take-off. For instance, the makers at Beneful Baked Delights have selected April 10th as “Hug Your Dog Day”. This date is also “National Pet Day” and “ASPCA Day”. There are others vying to be recognized on this date as well like those wishing to claim it as “Golfers Day” or “National Cinnamon Crescent Day”. No offense to these other groups, but it looks like this day truly belongs to pets and those who love them. To help Beneful kick-off the celebration, comedian Eric Stonestreet put together a video sharing a few of his favorite types of hugs with his dog Coleman Hawkins. I think this video will be start of a great national tradition in celebration of “Hug Your Dog Day”. Who knows, in time we may all get the day off from work to celebrate ...

How to Choose the Best Veterinarian for Your Pet

When any emergency befalls upon your pet, especially at night, you will naturally be thrown into a difficult situation. Pets are like family members and you will want to give them the best attention and care. For this reason you need to have a proper emergency plan in place ahead of time. The veterinarians are medical experts who are there specifically for taking care of animals. In order to find the best animal care clinic you need to keep some of the following tips in mind. Plan ahead of time Make sure you have a good animal care clinic that you'll go to, even before your pet faces any problems. You need to find a clinic which suits your pet and which will also be convenient for you. Try to get as much information and references from pet owners about the different animal clinics in your area. Get information from people who ...

Tick Facts You Probably Don’t Know

Ticks present one of the most common threats to your pets, especially at this time of year.  Ticks are a dogs and cats worst enemy for a variety of reasons; they can transmit diseases, cause anemia, or even paralysis.  They feed on the blood of their hosts by attaching their mouth parts to the skin and can continue to feed for several hours to days, depending on the type of tick. Tick paralysis in dogs is especially scary because of the sheer number of symptoms that may occur.  Signs to look for include vomiting, regurgitation, unsteadiness, increased blood pressure, a fast heart rate and rhythm, weakness (especially in the hind limbs), partial loss of muscle movements, complete loss of muscle movement (commonly seen in advanced disease state), poor reflexes or complete loss of reflex, low muscle tone, difficulty in eating, disorder of voice, asphyxia due to respiratory muscle paralysis in severely ...

Puppy Without Paw Will Become Service Dog

Alpharetta, GA - The fact that a puppy was born without a foot will not change his destiny of becoming a service dog, growing up to help the disabled have independence, confidence and happiness in their lives.  His name is Pirelli and while it will take longer than the pups born at the same time, he will ultimately travel to schools as a service dog. Born at Georgia's Canine Assistants, Pirelli will be 7 months old before he gets his new foot, but in the mean time, a cushioned boot protects his tender limb.  "He was born without a foot," explained Dr. Kent Bruner, Canine Assistants veterinarian and husband of founder Jennifer Arnold.  "What we think happened is the umbilical cord got wrapped around his foot and caused that foot to not have a normal blood supply." Pirelli is one of the many dogs born, raised, and trained at Canine Assistants in ...

Fiona’s Amazing Story; a Heartwarming Dog Rescue [Video]

Fiona was found with a pile of garbage; she was dirty, blind, and infested with fleas.  You might wonder how her story could have a happy ending, just as I did when I first started watching the video of her rescue.  Trust me, you'll need some tissues for this one, as Fiona's story truly is amazing.  It's sheer proof that efforts made by pet rescue organizations like Hope For Paws are the answers to giving homeless dogs a second chance at a good life. Hope for Paws is a 501 c-3 non-profit animal rescue organization, based in Los Angeles, California.  They rescue dogs and all other animals who are suffering on the streets and in the shelters.  They foster these animals in their home, cage free, until permanent, loving families can be found. Rescues like Fiona's cost a lot of money, but you can help by making a small donation.  Here's Fiona's ...

Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy and Accident Free This Spring

Spring has sprung - flowers are blooming, daylight lasts longer and we're anxious to get out and enjoy the weather.  But what does this mean for our furry family member?  Yes, more time rolling around outside and drinking out of hoses, but it also means fleas, ticks, allergies, and more potential for cuts, scrapes, and injuries. Stephen Ebbett, president of ProtectYourBubble.com, a new U.S. insurance brand offering hassle-free and affordable coverage for pets, has some general tips on how to keep your pet healthy and accident free this spring: 1. To prevent fleas and ticks, bathe your dog regularly with flea and tick shampoo and consider purchasing a flea collar for extra preventative measures.  Talk to your vet for the best topical treatments for dogs and cats, and be sure to check regularly for ticks and fleas during this season. 2. Schedule a routine seasonal check-up with a licensed veterinarian to get specific ...

Animals in Need Receive $75,000 in Grants

Seattle, WA - In the first voting round of The Animal Rescue Site’s $300,000 2012 Shelter+ Challenge with Petfinder.com, sixty-nine shelters and rescue groups took home $75,000 in grants to help animals.  The Animal Rescue Site is part of the GreaterGood Network of websites that allow people to "click" to create donations to their favorite causes. The Shelter+ Challenge grants are determined by votes cast at The Animal Rescue Site during a ten-week period. There are four voting rounds in 2012. Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc., of North Carolina received the $5,000 Grand Prize.  This is the second time that the organization has won a Grand Prize award and its lucky thirteenth prize in the Challenge since 2008. The popular "Dark Horse" category gave six grants to groups who have never won a Challenge grant before.  Greyhound Pets, Inc (WA) took home $2,000 for having the highest vote total for this category.  ...

Online Organic Dog Treat Hunt

Chicopee, MA - What is more fun than an egg hunt on Easter morning?  Weeks of Easter egg hunting!  This Easter season, The Barkers Dozen, a leading baker of USA-made organic pet treats, is bringing the fun and excitement of an Easter egg hunt to its virtual bakery with its second annual Virtual Easter Egg Hunt. To participate in the egg hunt, launched March 23, 2012, visitors can browse the pages of TheBarkersDozen.com to find colorful Easter eggs hidden within the virtual storefront.  When clicked, the eggs reveal a prize to the explorer – including discounts of up to 40% off The Barkers Dozen Homemade Organic Pet Treats!  "Children and parents alike love the excitement of an egg hunt, so we wanted to give the same excitement to our loyal customers and fans this Easter season," said President/CEO and Founder of The Barkers Dozen, Shawn Sherry. Hidden among the interactive elements of ...

Spring Season Dangers for Pets and Their Alternatives

The Spring season brings with it nicer weather, new plant growth, and nature's beauty at its finest, but it is also that time of year when tending to the lawn and outdoor areas causes many pets to become victim to the hazardous chemicals that are in the products we use. Thankfully there are non-toxic alternatives to the common products used outdoors during the Spring and Summer months. When caring for the lawn, common products are pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides.  In fact, in 2010, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center received more than 4,000 calls related to lawn toxins, driving the need for pet owners to find pet safe alternatives. Pet Safe Alternatives for: Lawn Fertilizer Corn gluten is a natural, non-toxic alternative to common lawn fertilizer products and can be used in fields and golf courses as well as residential lawns.  Corn gluten is an organic fertilizer and a pre-emergent weed killer that is ...

Have Itchy Pets? Try This Innovative Product

Cleanicity, the leading manufacturer of pet products inspired by clean freaks, announced the launch of the industry’s only combination pet massager and back scratcher via its online commerce site, www.cleanicity.com. "Itchy dogs and cats are a concern for many pet owners," explained Carol O’Brien, the CEO of Cleanicity.  "While there can be a medical or nutritional reason for a pet's excessive scratching, often times it’s simply a case of pets liking their backs scratched.  In the absence of a solution pets may seek itch relief via any piece of furniture or scratchy surface available.  The Furbliss offers safe, quick, and lasting relief for pets and helps homeowners keep their furniture and homes cleaner." The Furbliss is made of firm PVC plastic with dozens of durable prongs to massage, stroke, and scratch your dogs or cats fur.  According to Ms. O’Brien, using the Furbliss for a few minutes each day can result in ...