French Bulldog Stolen at Gunpoint Returned to Owner


Bueller LostTAMPA, Fl – A French Bulldog, Bueller, and his owner were reunited tonight after a whirlwind of a weekend. On Friday evening, Derek McComber was walking Bueller when two men in a gray Honda Civic approached him. One of the men asked McComber what type of dog Bueller was and when he replied, the man pointed a handgun at McComber and grabbed the dog before jumping back into the car and speeding away.

After the police failed to take action, McComber immediately took to Facebook, Instagram and other social media to post notices about Buellers “dognapping,” creating the page “Help Find Bueller” on Facebook.

Early Saturday morning a resident, Gregory Sakas, who lives in close proximity from where Bueller was taken, saw Bueller in his yard and took him in. Sakas posted “Found Dog” flyers around the area but to no avail. Finally, after contacting local veterinary offices, Sakas caught a lead at Sunshine Animal Hospital. An employee remembered McComber coming into the clinic to inquire about Bueller and post a notice.

Sakas performed a quick internet search and found the news story about Bueller. He immediately called the Sheriffs office. The office then got in touch with McComber and reunited the two.

The gunmen are still at large and the motive for the “dognapping” is unknown.

At 3:30pm EST today, the “Help Find Bueller” Facebook page was updated indicating Bueller was found. An outpouring of support followed with over 300 comments applauding the good Samaritan Gregory Sakas, as well as McComber’s reunion with his beloved Beuller.

Bueller car