Wednesday, March 12, 2025
pet bird

Top 8 Household Hazards to Pet Birds

Pet birds are surprisingly delicate, and many things in your home can actually pose a serious threat to their health and wellbeing. Continue reading...
ivory poaching

Ivory Poaching Banned, Yet Elephant Crisis Soars

The future of elephants is in serious jeopardy unless we do something about it now. That, according to the International March for Elephants, a...

Natural Ways to Calm Your Pet’s Stress

Pets get stressed out just like humans do. Whether your dog or cat suffers from separation anxiety, from fear of going to the vet,...
prairie dogs

Western Owl Spies on Prairie Dogs to Learn About Hunting

The prairie dog get a lot of love from his animal brethren. Turns out prairie dogs provide animals, like owls, a place to squat...
artificial fragrances

How Artificial Fragrances Can Adversely Affect Your Pet’s Health

Many people love to use artificial fragrances throughout their homes in order to keep every room smelling great. From carpet deodorizers to scented candles,...
dog show

Mixed Breeds to Compete in Westminster Dog Show, Finally

For two centuries purebred dogs have been pampered, worshipped and revered within the confines of the aristocratic Westminster Dog Show, the most prestigious show...
exotic pets

Is It Ethical to Keep Exotic Animals as Pets?

While it might be tempting---and legal in certain states and certain parts of the world---to keep exotic wild animals as pets, is it really...
dog events

The Best UK Dog Events To Attend In 2014

Another year has arrived, and for all of you dog lovers out there, 2014 means two things; firstly, new resolutions not only for you,...
black rhino

350k to Hunt Endangered Black Rhino?

Here’s a little fact: there are 4,000 black rhinos in the entire world, down from 70,000 in the 1960s. Here’s another fun fact: the...

Could Your Dog’s Food Be the Cause of His Allergies?

One of the main reasons why dogs end up at the vet's office is because they suffer with persistent allergies. When pet parents and...