Is It Allergies or a Common Eye Problem In Your Dog?
So many dogs will show signs of having an issue with their eyes at some point in their lives, but there are certain dog...
Heat Detection For Your Dog
Ever wish you could put something on your dog that would tell you when they've had enough of the sun for a bit? Most...
What Do The Homeless Do With Their Pets?
Riverside, CA - When a homeless person enters a shelter many cannot bring their pets with them. Experts say that homeless shelters that have...
Toilet Training Your Cat – The Pros and Cons
While it may seem like a dream come true to have your cat use the bathroom toilet instead of a messy litter box, there...
Pet-Proofing Your Home
Just as you child-proof your home to keep your little ones safe, it is equally important to be aware of the common household items...
The Exotic Pet Lifestyle – Think Twice
East Texas - Most family pets are fine living in the house and being a part of the household. However, some pets can kill...
Georgia Tornadoes Bonded 2 Homeless Puppies
Two puppies who have never seen each other before have become the best of friends, all due to the tornadoes in Georgia leaving them...
Pink Kitten Will Stay That Way For At Least A Few Months
After being abandoned by their mom in a concrete factory in Redruth, a group of four kittens, only four weeks old, were luckily found and...
Pets On Death Row Pardoned
Shelters across the United States are always stretched the limit in terms of man power, facilities, food, medicine and money. The reality is that...
Pair of Peacocks Reunited With Owners After Escaping Property
Byfield, MA - Thanks to a kind, retired high school science teacher in Newbury, the still missing runaway peacock has been safely reunited with its...