A special group of cats have helped researchers make significant strides in AIDS research, due to their ability to glow in the dark. Yes, you read that right, these glow in the dark cats were specially engineered by a Mayo Clinic team to produce a protein that helps their bodies resist the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), which causes AIDS in cats. Because FIV is so similar to HIV in humans, scientists consider the findings to be a great leap in the future of protecting humans and preventing HIV. Details of this extraordinary research included a team of American and Japanese scientists from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minn., and Yamaguchi University injecting an antiviral gene from a rhesus macaque monkey into the cats, as well as one that produces the fluorescent protein GFP, which allows them to glow in the dark. The infection fighting proteins from the monkey are able to fight HIV and ...