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How to Prevent and Handle Pet Emergencies During the Thanksgiving Holiday

The holiday season can be stressful for both you and your pets but one of the best ways to combat additional problems are to try to prevent them in the first place.  The next best thing to preventing pet emergencies is to know what to do, who to call, and where to take them for help.  In the event of an emergency, the most important thing to remember is to stay calm but react quickly to prevent further problems. If you are taking your dogs or cats with you when you go to visit friends and family during the holiday season, you should find out ahead of time where the closest animal clinic or veterinarian is located.  That way in the event that something happens that you can't handle on your own, you won't be scrambling to figure out where to go.  It would even be a good idea to program the phone number ...

Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Pets

With all the hustle and bustle that comes with the Thanksgiving holiday, your pets are just as affected as you are.  With excitement levels at all time highs when you have a full house or when you are traveling with your pets, there are a few safety tips you'll want to be aware of to ensure that this holiday season is enjoyable for both you and your furry family members.  It is extremely important to make sure that with all of the extra attention you are paying to guests, cooking, traveling, and entertaining, that you maintain the same semblance of a routine with both dogs and cats, as quick changes can impact them in ways that can be harmful to them. 1. Food Safety There are a variety of foods that are harmful to your pets if ingested.  You'll want to keep them away from the following: turkey skin turkey drippings and gravy twine used to tie turkey ...

Top 5 Small Non-Shedding Dog Breeds

All types of dog breeds require some form of grooming and maintenance, but there are some that require much less because they shed less or practically not at all.  A dog's coat has two kinds of hair with the outer coat usually consisting of coarser hairs while the inner coat consists of softer, shorter hairs.  Once these hairs have grown to their pre-determined length, they stop growing and are shed by new hairs growing in.  Some dog breeds shed twice per year, other shed throughout the year, and some dogs hardly shed their coats at all. Shih Tzu Although the Shih Tzu dog breed has a longer coat they hardly shed at all, making them one of the top choices when it comes to choosing a low maintenance addition to the family, despite the fact that they require a brushing each day.  If you give your Shih Tzu a haircut every couple of months their coat requires ...

Change Made at Pet Care Trust Will Spark Positive Impact

The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that Brent Weinmann, President and CEO of Vitakraft Sunseed, Inc., has been appointed as President of the Pet Care Trust, a non-profit organization that promotes public understanding regarding the value of and right to enjoy companion animals, enhances knowledge about companion animals through research and education, and promotes professionalism among members of the companion animal community. Weinmann’ expertise in the pet industry and philanthropic work will be an asset to his leadership role.  In addition to being President and CEO of Vitakraft Sunseed, Inc., a manufacturer of pet food and treats, Weinmann is on the board of American Pet Products Association, and has held seats on the boards of Wood Lane industries and Wood County Workforce Policy Board.  He has been on the board of the Pet Care Trust since 2002. "Brent Weinmann has a long track record of service to the Pet Care ...

Is Your Dog at Risk for Getting the Flu?

According to recent reports, cases of canine flu have been found in at least 15 states across the U.S., with the highest number of documented cases in New York, New Jersey, and Florida.  Canine flu is highly contagious and almost all of the dogs that are subjected to it will become infected.   Just as the flu virus in humans is spread from person to person, the canine flu can spread from dog to dog by air in boarding kennels, animal shelters, at dog shows, in dog parks and wherever dogs congregate.  It is also present in respiratory secretions, meaning that dogs do not need to have direct physical contact with each other to pass it along. Symptoms If you notice a combination of any of the following signs or symptoms in your dog, call your veterinarian to make an appointment, as early symptoms can actually be mistaken for kennel cough. persistent cough runny nose low or high fever loss of energy loss of appetite If ...

New Pet Hotel Built for Convenience of Traveling Owners

Dallas, TX - A brand new hotel built with your pets wants and needs as the main concern is giving cat and dog owners everywhere something to talk about!  With more amenities and luxurious ways to enjoy being away from home, this new resort will make even the most of pampered humans jealous! Located next to the Dallas/Fort Worth airport in Texas, Paradise 4 Paws is a premier resort for cats and dogs featuring things like massage therapy, flat screen tv's, chandeliers, luxurious grooming, and a relaxing spa atmosphere.  One of the most exciting highlights about your pets stay at Paradise 4 Paws is their nightly tuck-in service! With convenience of pet owners in mind but pampering your pet at the forefront, the team of people who make this possible will always say "yes" - but don't think that it's not expensive.  Pet suites start at $49 and climb to $100 a night for the presidential suite.  Each one is ...

Appalling Story of Starved Pit Bull Turns Tragic

Detroit, MI - What started as a sad story of a pit bull being found starved and abandoned in Detroit has quickly turned into a tragic tale of untimely and inhumane death.  On November 4th, a dog now referred to as Ace, was found outside of an Ace Department store, practically skin and bones due to starvation and lack of fluids.  Once picked up by animal control, the pit bull was taken to their facility. Due to the media attention that Ace's discovery brought, a woman who recognized him as her stolen dog came forward with proof that she was the owner.  Once Nitta Moses and a member of the Detroit Dog Rescue, Hush, attempted to claim Ace, they were shown a dog that was clearly not the same one found outside of the department store. More and more questions started arising, with the main one being, where is Ace, the dog found by animal control.  Members ...

Top 50 Most Popular Names for Cats

For so many aspiring pet owners the most difficult part about adding a member to the family isn't what kind of pet you will get, but what will you name it after you get it!  If you are trying to decide on the best name for your new cat, look no further than this list of the top 50 most popular names. 50. Rocky 49. Bailey 48. Milo 47. Felix 46. Jasper 45. Sam 44. Gracie 43. Oscar 42. Toby 41. Misty 40. Lily 39. Oliver 38. Sasha 37. Pumpkin 36. Cali 35. Garfield 34. Sophie 33. Kiki 32. Cleo 31. Callie 30. Missy 29. Pepper 28. Sammy 27. Fluffy 26. Daisy 25. Molly 24. Charlie 23. Jack 22. Chloe 21. Boots 20. Precious 19. Lucy 18. Simba 17. Lucky 16. Buddy 15. Sassy 14. Midnight 13. Patches 12. Bella 11. Gizmo 10. Oreo 9. Angel 8. Max 7. Princess 6. Baby 5. Tigger 4. Shadow 3. Smokey 2. Tiger 1. Kitty As a cat lover myself, I have had 4 cats who have all had names that fall onto this list!  How many of these are names you've used for your cats?

Experts Say to Buckle Your Pet in the Car

When you take your pet on a trip in your vehicle, do you put him in a seatbelt?  Most people don't, but according to experts, dogs and cats should be buckled-up for safety just as humans should.  Pet travel has increased 300 percent since 2005, according to Bark Buckle Up, a pet safety advocacy organization, while the use of pet restraints is only about 2 percent. Take the story of Leslie May, who was traveling along with her shelties from Dayton, Ohio, to Indianapolis.  She started to see brake lights up ahead and in order to keep from getting rear ended had to swerve out of the way.  She ended up hitting the car in front of her and if it wasn't for the restraints she had on her dogs, who knows what would have happened.  The possibility of them getting seriously hurt or even killed was avoided because of the prevention ...

10 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Cancer is the number one disease related killer in both dogs and cats, but so many times it goes undetected for too long.  Just as humans experience signs and symptoms that may trigger the need for further evaluation, there are things to watch for in dogs and cats as well.  Depending on the type of cancer, the earlier it is detected the better the chances are of getting rid of it. This list of signs and things to watch for doesn't automatically mean that your dog or cat has cancer, but should you notice any of these, it would be your pets' best interest to be taken to the veterinarian. 1. Wounds that won't heal can be a sign that something is wrong.  While not always cancer, it could also be a sign of a skin disease or an infection. 2. A change in your pets appetite can be a warning sign.  If ...